House Republicans are starting an effort to draft him. Once again republicans reaching for failure.
Or success, depending on the goal. They like destroying things and hurting people. By that parameter, it's a plan for success
Doesn't he have to be a representative, i.e., elected, first? I guess he doesn't see that as an obstacle.
There's got to be at least 5 republicans that wouldn't vote for that... Plus, isn't being speaker actual work? Trump wouldn't do it.
Yeah, its not going to happen, but politics is so predictable you have to write these stories to keep people clicking. Like everyone knows its going to be Trump vs. Biden II, yet we get the most fanciful what if articles about how things that wont happen just might happen.
Speaker is third in line to the presidency, so he goes all Putin 3rd world, Biden and Harris go missing, and boom he’s President again. Of course that’s very “White House Downish” but…