A different analogy? Hmmm. That’s challenging … but I’ll give it a shot. A person who no longer has basic awareness (as we all may not someday) and who needs to have their basic decisions made for them (again, as we might need someday ourselves) should no longer be making decisions for the whole country. They are either making grossly uninformed decisions or someone for whom no one voted is secretly making said decisions. Either way undermines democracy. And, sorry, but their wishes shouldn’t matter.
It is very hard to argue with someone who has Alzheimers. Especially on the subject of whether they are impaired or not. The question to me is, why did the voters keep voting for her?
She was last elected in 2018, while obviously she was old as hell, she might not yet have had the obvious issues as in the last couple of years. I think you have to blame her family. It’s almost elder abuse, although I’m sure she was otherwise well cared for. Maybe she was still able to communicate her wishes until the end and she wanted to finish her term (and nobody had power of attorney to say otherwise), in which case not much anyone could do.
How do you blame the voters when the voters are not entitled to the full story? Her condition was deliberately hidden from the voters by her family, staff, and party. It wasn’t until recently that it grew beyond their control to hide when she would, for instance, express surprise publicly that Kamala was presiding over the Senate (not understanding that her fellow California Senator had become Vice President over a year earlier).
If we’re going to engage in ageism shouldn’t it apply across the board. Who knows who else in government are suffering from dementia? Chuck Grassley will be 90 in January, Bernie Sanders will be 92 in February, Moscow Mitch will be 81 in February. I could go on. It’s time to turn the reins of power over to a new generation of liberals who still believe in democracy.
First, for the sake of sanity we truly need age limits. They will never pass term limits but maybe they will set age limits. McConnell and Pelosi look no better. Biden handlers are doing the same lol.
I think you could probably blame the party leadership. They knew how she would vote, and were willing to overlook her medical problems to avoid taking a chance on a new person.
True, but also not just a party issue. I am reasonably certain that the Republicans would have done the same thing if she were one of theirs. The family and staffers also had self-interest in hiding her condition. If you make a reasonable age limit, then you will not eliminate but you will reduce the ability of people to do things like this in the future.
I don’t think there should be an age limitation. But there should definitely be term limits. The lack of term limits is what allows these f***ers to become pawns of the oligarchy.
Oh come on they all have had moments of slurring or even just making zero sense. Do some of you just like to ignore this stuff? Does it somehow make it go away?
an occasional moment of slurring a word? is that what you were saying when you claimed that Pelosi couldn't pronounce those four simple words?