Speech was good. It’s just too bad that his performance on the job was not at the same level of performance.
Let’s compare your record of service to Milley’s and we can come back for a conversation afterwards before you say “screw all you communists”, likely to many people who have risked more to protect the freedoms of this country than you ever will from your keyboard. To quote Nicholson-you can’t handle the truth.
Fair for people to critique the service, even while I disagree with your conclusions. But to condemn that speech? The core duty of a serviceman? That tells a great deal about the person so condemning.
My critique was not to you. As I said, I certainly ( well, generally) respect people’s opinion on performance, even when I disagree,
What credentials do you have to voice an opinion about military competence and, assuming you have any at all, on what basis do you disparage Milly’s?
In 2021, the DoD informed the defense industry of coming cuts to the Acquisition budget. This after most companies had made significant investment during the Trump Admin with strong orders forecasts coming from DoD. This effectively slammed on the brakes of increased capacity with many lower tier suppliers deciding to reduce or back out completely of their defense business. As if this wasn’t stupid enough, the concurrently provoked Russia resulting in the invasion of Ukraine. https://www.cato.org/commentary/us-nato-helped-trigger-ukraine-war-its-not-siding-putin-admit-it So by mid 2022 they find themselves giving away massive amounts of equipment to Ukraine with a 3-5 year window for replacing US inventory. So yes, I would say that shows incompetence. And note, I didn’t even start to get into Afghanistan.
In the immortal words of Johnny Mac, you cannot be serious. None of what you wrote there makes any sense at all. Total nonsense.
I'm not sure that any of this stuff is his specific responsibility. As far as cuts to spending, our war efforts have drawn down, so it's expected that certain industries would see a tapering off from the golden days. Defense business is still good. Afghanistan is a red herring. It's an easy political target, but not rooted in logical thought. Trump declared we were leaving, and that set a chain of events in motion. Biden inherited the withdrawal. Milley isn't the decision maker or strategic commander of the war effort. Combatant Commanders are subordinate to the Secretary of Defense, not the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I don't blame Trump for doing it, because we have to leave at some point, because we did all we could do. The failure was on the Government of Afghanistan to hold their country. In contrast, look how Ukraine is fighting tooth and nail for their country. The Afghanis largely gave up without a fight.
Gen Mill is a badass. Special Forces, Diver and Combat Infantry Badge are not wuss feats. I found it interesting he attended the Naval Warfare College too. I read somewhere that 90% fail the diver school the first 14 days. Trump taking a swipe at people who choose to put themselves in harms way to defend our Constitution pisses me off. Signed, Army Veteran
Repeating what I said years ago in reference to Trump's treatment of John McCain, Donald Trump isn't fit to lick Gen. Milley's boots.