"As the legal cases against Mr. Trump have picked up, “so too have threats against law enforcement authorities, judges, elected officials and others,” The Times reported this week. “The threats, in turn, are prompting protective measures, a legal effort to curb his angry and sometimes incendiary public statements and renewed concern about the potential for an election campaign in which Mr. Trump has promised ‘retribution’ to produce violence.” Mr. Trump’s targets extend to other Republicans. In a biography out next month, Senator Mitt Romney disclosed that he was spending $5,000 per day on security for himself and his family against threats from Trump supporters." Opinion | Trump’s Promise of Lawlessness The 2024 election will be the most important in our nation's history.
Modern-day Democrats lionize the early revolutionaries and their violent secession from England. Note: not off-topic.
That is mentioned every election but imo this time it’s true. At least since the mid 1800s. Inmate number P01135809 is dangerous and our great country will be worse off if he’s elected. He will feel empowered and unfettered. Once our system of democracy, checks and balances is broken, there is no getting it back. And jeesk, there ARE better alternatives in the repub primary. Anyone on the fence for 2024, just remember, we all were warned….. “Trump suggested Friday that Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who is stepping down from his post at the end of the week, deserves the death penalty for allegedly betraying him and committing an act of treason. "To suggest that Gen. Milley should be executed is inexcusable and dangerous," Hutchinson told the outlet. "While some will excuse this latest outrage as Trump just being Trump, the fact is that his statement endangers people and is an insult to those who serve in the military." “……warned that if Trump wins the presidency in 2024, he would enact vengeance against those he felt have done him wrong. And Milley believes he is at the top of that revenge list. “He’ll start throwing people in jail, and I’d be on the top of the list,” Trump’s threats to Milley fuel fears he’ll seek vengeance in second term
Damn, man, are you suggesting that what Trump promises is the equivalent to what the revolutionaries accomplished, and that modern day republicans should lionize Trump? If so, I recall many in the 60's who considered themselves loyal Americans encouraging people like you to leave America and join the communists. The door's still open.
Answer to question: Yes. And for the reasons suggested that they shouldn't. This is what they want. Violence and destruction to the Republic. If they are not in exclusive control, they'd rather burn it all down. If it requires some of the normal institutions they don't feel they control to remain the world's preeminent power, they'd rather be weak.
If you think Trump is a revolutionary and his cause is worth taking up arms and fighting against the US government, you are free to do so. I don't. Trump is a modern day despot and his cause is advancing his own Fascist view of government with Trump as dictator. Unlike the early revolutionaries, who were fighting for self rule and democracy, I do find anything within Trump's movement worthy of my support whatsoever.
It seems some have given up on our form of government, they just want their strong man. All fine and dandy until they come for you.
Romney was independently wealthy before public office.The preexisting wealth of officeholders is a problem in and of itself, although Romney's honor makes him a bad example for the cause. I think it skews his priors and perceptions, but he is not corrupt.
So that’s a “yes” to my question. To compare Trump to the revolutionaries is the stupidest post ever, a low even for you. BTW, I don’t wrap myself in the flag. Indeed, I’m suspicious of those who do. However, I loath those such as yourself who so openly ignore what it represents.
Trump is not the establishment and is against these corrupt politicians currently serving in the house and senate.
Richard Nixon thirty years dead is who I want for president. He hated communists, he knew how to deal with Russia and China, and the only difference between him and all the other crooks who've followed him is his own paranoia did him in.
Do you think he's surrounds himself with corrupt people or do you think that him being corrupt makes them appear to be corrupt as well?
Trump is the most corrupt president to ever hold the office and neither his successor nor any of his predecessors come remotely close and while a majority of members of the House and Senate may be corrupt to some extent most of them are saints compared with the most recent former president.
- found liable of cheating and lying about his charities; - found liable for sexual assault; - found to be a fraudster business. Thats’s your here?!?! And that’s just a start: - indicted for business fraud - indicted for endangering national security and then lying and cheating so he could keep endangering national security - indicted for using, indeed abusing the power of his office to lie to people like you about the backbone of our democracy - indicted for wrongly and intentionally interfering with the transfer of power. This is your here?!?! In a democracy?!?!?!