Stay tuned. I’m pretty sure that they’ll be hitting each other with folding chairs before this is over.
Ramaswamy: “I favor ending birthright citizenship,” said man born in the U.S. to two noncitizens, making him a birthright citizen.
So he declared himself ineligible to be President. Bold strategy. I’m sure as with most “conservatives” these days, he didn’t think to apply the same standard to himself.
Apparently I’ve had too many bourbons, Christie and Scott are the only two with a clue tonight And Tik Tok commercials
My take in the 4th quarter without reading anything other than this board: Pence blaming the deterioration of tone and raised voices on Biden lol. Ilia continues to be the star of the show. I’d post a pic if I knew how. DeSantis is doing better than the first debate IMO. Scott doesn’t have it. Haley is consistent. Burgum shouldn’t be invited back if they can avoid it. Christie is always good but has no chance. Neither does Pence. My question is how Ramaswamy performance will be perceived. Very smooth but he’s taking some shots.
“I demand to be allowed to answer this question!” It doesn’t particularly matter because he’s not actually trying to get elected. He’s there to jump into the Trump grift by being the guy Trump says “good job” to on TruthSocial, and to distract from everyone else on the stage.
DeSantis just had his best moment IMO (while winning the talking over battle with Scott) saying he’s actually done some of the things they’re all are arguing about with fighting big fights.
Smart of DeSantis to challenge Trump to a one on one debate in this post scrum with Hannity. They’ve got to get Trump on a stage, or get the ability to hammer him for ducking everything.