So so says a scientist, on the question of where all the antimatter has gone, since the universe is supposed to be composed equally of matter and antimatter. The big news, according to this article, is that antimatter has been observed falling down (due to gravity) for the first time. That is, behaving like matter! The article also contains this disturbing statement: "The fact that we exist suggests there is something we don't understand." All too deep for me, as I have to ask: What does it matter? Mysterious antimatter observed falling down for first time
"The fact that we exist suggests there is something we don'tunderstand." This is basically the gist of why I believe in a higher power. If there wasn’t a higher power, I don’t think anything would exist. Instead of the something that is the universe we live in there would be nothing.
I guess that just isn’t a hang up for me. Suffice to say there are things afoot that are way, way beyond our ability to comprehend. And our existence, IMO, is proof of that. But that’s as far as my lizard brain can get with it. But I just don’t think we are having this conversation right now (or anything else exists) if there isn’t a higher power.
I believe in a higher power, and I think the statement can be challenged by recognizing the presumption of assuming that there was an equal amount of matter and antimatter to start with. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Unless I'm missing the joke, this took place on Earth, it's just a reference to the gravitational attraction that was predicted to exist, but only recently observed. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
The antimatter stuff is above my pay grade. I just feel confident that if there weren’t something more to it, there simply wouldn’t have been a big bang. It just seems logical to me that in the absence of a higher power the default would be nothing instead of something. And we have something.
I’m being intentionally vague because I haven’t the slightest idea of what it is or how to define it. Existence, in and of itself, just seems intentional to me.
"The fact that we exist suggests there is something we don't understand." LOL! That's like stoner-waxing-philosophical stuff right there. I guess we got everything figured out, except for that one little 'something'.... Pass da bong bra!
I don't disagree with the "Intelligent Design" concept often cited by creationists. I do disagree that such an intelligence has anything to do with the Judeo/Christian Bible and what is contained therein. Or any other religion for that matter. Just my opinion.