I was going to ask you what shows. I think that is mostly nostalgia. Those were entertaining shows for sure but I wonder if those stand up well today. .. Lucy Show maybe stands up?
Todd Packer was awesome. My two favorite episodes were the sexual harassment one with Todd and the conflict resolution one.
Actually I grew up watching I Love Lucy and Ozzie and Harriet. Showing my age here. Almost forgot The Honeymooners. Gotta give Jackie Gleason props.
@Orange_and_Bluke if you like the Office and the whole breaking the third wall bit, I recommend Abbot Elementary. Libby teachers and stuff.
I love watching the good scenes on youtube, but I've never made it through a full episode. Too much cringe.
I just saw the one with the opening where Michael calls Oscar into the office, and asks him for advice - “how to make it pleasurable for him OR his doctor — for his colonoscopy. Epic!!!
I recently heard that the Honeymooners only had 39 episodes.(One season back then). Pretty legendary old show to have that short of a run.
I will definitely give The Office reboot a watch. Loved the first 6-7 seasons of the original, but the last few seasons were hit-and-miss. Hope Michael returns.
He's close. All time favorite character for me would have to be Barney Stinson from HIMYM. So much hilarity and critique of the "Get Money, Get Chicks" culture.
Hopefully unless he's really dead set against the entire project, he could be talked into a few limited cameo appearances.