Even in the recent Gator documentary, I think a couple of them were saying (I felt it was somewhat in jest but not entirely), that Tebow always got disproportionate attention from the fans and the media. But I did not get the sense that they considered him a bad teammate in any way at all. It felt more like a bit of understandable and light-hearted envy and maybe a feeling that his race and clean-cut image were a big part of the reason he got so much attention. Maybe there were different dynamics in the NFL years, but I'm not sure why Tebow would be expected to avoid the spotlight so long as he's not cutting down other people to get it.
I have no idea if Tim's personality did not play in NFL locker rooms. But there is a hilarious story about the difference I will try to recall the specifics of. It was Magic's first game in LA and Kareem hit a buzzer beater SkyHook to win it. Magic went crazy hugging him, and Kareem said words to the effect of "this isn't college, we have 80 more games."
Yeah, that was a BS writeup on Tebow. He was a great teamate by having a positive attitude and incredible work ethic. Who wouldn't want that? I'll tell you who; a bunch of selfish losers, that's who.
Your feelings arent in line with what Christianity teaches. Jesus said to tell everyone about Him. Tim does that without being judgy or preachy. The whole "religion is a private matter" thing is contrary to almost every religion.
Then how come everyone knew he was a Christian? Because your memory fails you, thats how. Warner was quite outspoken with his faith.
Forcing religion into a "private matter" strips religious influence from this country making way for secular hedonistic garbage. Now, I think this is America where people should be allowed to live whatever kind of lifestyle they want for the most part. But with respect to the culture, we should live in a society where people are public about the actual traditional virtues they hold: prudence, temperance, etc... and private about their hedonism and vices. Present-day America is the exact opposite of this.
Then Jesus and "almost every religion" are wrong.....and proselytizing has been and still is the cause of great suffering by humanity. Indeed, only disease exceeds the harm caused by those motivated by the conceit that it is their duty to convert others. So utterly convinced are those who proselytize, I am under no illusion that anyone will agree.
Speaking of garbage, being true to values is a far cry from seeking to convert others to your religious beliefs. Your opinion is based upon the false assumption that the various religions have different values. Moral values are universal. Do you need a source for that? If you do, you are neither well read nor an observer of mankind.
I'm agnostic for the record, but this is a counter-intuitive take to me. If someone is convinced not only that one true God exists but that a particular religion most accurately reflects eternal truths about the nature of God and what God expects of us, why wouldn't they want to share that message with others? I guess I don't see a problem with it unless you're talking about the obviously barbaric and horrible things that have in fact happened in history.
Did you support Trump?. If you did, like so many other CRINO's, don't talk to us about adherence to values, but rather convince us you're not a hypocrite.
Christian derive the "duty" to proselytize from th Great Commission at the end of Matthew, to wit: Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. But the meaning in practical application is far different. The mainline denominations have traditionally not emphasized proselytization, emphasizing acts of charity and example. Famously attributed to St. Francis: "Preach the Gospel daily; use words only when necessary". That said, the Jesuits especially emphasized travel to convert. Scorcese's "Silence" with Adam Driver, Andrew Garfield and Liam Neeson covered these efforts in Japan. Plenty of other examples, especially in Asia. But the mainline denominations have never emphasized trying to convert members of other Christian denominations, which only makes sense. The root of Protestant is protest against the mainline powers that were viewed as corrupted, with some justification (pun intended)
Moral values are universal? Everyone has the same values? It’s a wonder why we’ve had countless wars over differences in values including religious and non-religious wars. What authority are you citing that it’s wrong to try and convert people to your religion?
I don’t have to convince you of anything. But you’re getting pretty defensive over some pretty basic questions.
Let me reframe. Do you believe what you believe? yes. If so, are others necessarily wrong that believe differently? Not sure. The heresy of syncretism, Epistemic immodesty, extra ecclesiam nulla salus and all that. But can a transcendent Godhead that even among orthodox Christian belief expresses in three distinct persons reveal paths to Divine Truth extra ecclesiam? My instincts are heretical in this regard. These are just musings, not intended to make a specified point.
If they lacked humility, they wouldn't. Those who are absolutely convinced that their viewpoint is the only correct one - to the point that throughout history they have committed "barbaric and horrible things" in service to their certainty - lack one of the great virtues. I am not against religion. It brings great comfort to many. I go to church to hear good sermons, and am moved by the moral lessons, but I am at heart an agnostic. I'm no more or less a sinner than any other average person on the planet.
Look, if you are saying that the condemning , finger pointers should shut up, then I agree, but Tim Tebow just acknowledging his source of values and influence is a far cry from that. Tim has caused zero harm by telling folks where his fulfillment comes from anf inviting folks to find the same.
You can spread God’s word with humility. We don’t have to jump from silent devoted Christian to genocidal zealot. There’s an awful lot of room in the middle there.
My "religion" says we are all sinners and none of us are righteous. Nothing in the Christian faith (when left untwisted) says you are a worse sinner than I. In fact the wonderful story of the Gospel is available to everyone equally. Opps... I just proselytized again.
You're getting over my heathen head here, lol. I will say that one of my closest friends is an ordained priest and Franciscan Friar. What he's said to me at least is that he believes Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church, in particular, are the best or most efficient paths to the top of the mountain. He steers clear from taking any position about what God might or might not do with any particular souls. This is quite different than the response I'd expect from most Southern Baptist preachers though.