The Man Who Thinks He Can Live Forever “Johnson, 46, is a centimillionaire tech entrepreneur who has spent most of the last three years in pursuit of a singular goal: don’t die. During that time, he’s spent more than $4 million developing a life-extension system called Blueprint, in which he outsources every decision involving his body to a team of doctors, who use data to develop a strict health regimen to reduce what Johnson calls his “biological age.” That system includes downing 111 pills every day, wearing a baseball cap that shoots red light into his scalp, collecting his own stool samples, and sleeping with a tiny jet pack attached to his penis to monitor his nighttime erections. Johnson thinks of any act that accelerates aging—like eating a cookie, or getting less than eight hours of sleep—as an “act of violence.” The jet pack is intriguing. He apparently believes erections are “acts of violence”. Elsewhere, he reports having erections over the course of the night totaling 3.5 hours! I can’t wait for the replies from our resident wags.
I prefer to enjoy my years with my family. I won’t go out of my way to do damage but also won’t go without I order to add a few months or years. I don’t drink, haven’t some drugs in decades and don’t smoke. Try to exercise somewhat regularly (enjoy it most days) and eat a decent diet with fruits and veggies and meat ( most closely to Mediterranean.. but love a good ribeye on e or three times a year..). If I only Lu e to 80 vs 75 but can enjoy life… I am happy.
Life extension and transition to a digital being will be an interesting conundrum for the law. Questions about property law will fill the virtual text books. Slightly off topic, first verse of this song is on point… If I'd started from the top And worked my way down There'd be no reason To live forever To live forever
I saw a meme recently that said something like, "Research shows that those who eat well and exercise will be healthier when they die." Struck me as kinda funny.
I don't think he is expecting to live forever. He just wants to live as long as he can by making his health optimal
Reminds me of the character from Catch 22 that tries to make his life as dull and boring as possible to extend how long he perceives his life.
Death is not extinguishing the light; it is putting out the lamp as dawn has come. Rabindranath Tagore
Interesting. Seems neuroscience sez just the opposite. stimulating your brain makes life "feel" longer. Like when I travel & do diff stuff every day, a week seems like a really long time compared to a normal week. Also, I recall hitting a little stump or something covered by powder 5 years ago. I still remember the split second - which seemed like a long time - thinking, shit, I'm gonna hit a tree. it had a slowing of time effect. p.s. drive home a diff route today to "extend" your life
Looks like @RIP's and @WarDamnGator's wives have hacked their accounts yet again. Stronger passwords are your friends fellas.