Mostly clips and excerpts but they know their boy when they hear him. Would be interesting to know if TC receives remuneration for his help. Russia TV news channel Rossiya 24 is launching a weekend show featuring clips and highlights from Tucker Carlson's interviews on shows currently being posted on social media. Based on the promo released yesterday, it looks like they will focus on Tucker's frequent comments praising Russia and Putin along with his anti-Ukraine and Zelensky diatribes Russian politicians frequently cite Tucker Carlson for the proposition that most Americans side with Putin and are against support for the war in Ukraine. They have even played Carlson clips in their legislature
What better way to divide the US. See it is already working thanks to the folks at THFSG and other sites like it.
No question that social media is adding a lot to it. But I don't see much of it on Too Hot. Not the real serious "the other side is out to destroy us!" you see elsewhere, including the most watched cable news network.
Back in the 60’s, “America - love it or leave it” was often expressed. Carlson can’t leave soon enough.
What a thoroughly misguided take. This is on Tucker Carlson and his constant sucking up to Putin and Russia. Don't blame the people for recognizing him for what he is.
It's like saying people who pointed out Todd Grantham sucked were just trying to divide gator sports fans. Maybe Todd should have just tried not to suck.
I was actually seeing Too Hot as one of the better media platforms in this respect. Here, you get exposed to the ideas of the other side. I receive agrees and disagrees on here from liberals and conservatives. The same isnt really true of Tucker or Maddow, who cater to only one kind of person. Also, we truly get to meet people of the other side on here. Real people. I know most of us probably have a slightly less personable online persona, but we still often learn of each other’s diseases, kids, deaths, etc. we trade jokes, and we all know FSU sucks. I don’t think anonymous social media is our best way of uniting, but of the various options out there, Too Hot seems like one of our better ones.