I just hate to see Aaron Hernadez on the list ... whatever he did or didn't do to his teammates, I can assure you, it could have been a lot worse.
It would have been more believable if we heard former teammates saying they disliked him. Most of the article failed in that respect. It seemed to be mostly speculation from an outsider.
I think a lot of college and pro players are religious, both privately and publicly. I assume most believe their rare talent is not just luck of the draw. Some of their interviews show this.
With regard to Percy, he had the reputation here as a bad teammate. But I really wonder if his consistent migraines caused him to be incredibly irritable. Being in pain can cause extreme irritability
I think that's right. Tebow is such a beloved teammate here, it's hard to imagine him being a bad teammate. I think it was a mixture of all the publicity and not being a high performer in the NFL. I did have some problems with his father's anti-Catholicism, the someone obviously brought it to his attention because he scrubbed a lot of it from their website. But Tim never seemed like anything but a great guy and the most exciting football player ever to watch. I even loved his brief episode of success in the pros.
You can't have it both ways. Tebow didn't have a long enough career to judge his character as a teammate in the NFL. He was a media creation everyone had their minds made up about before they ever met him.
NFL teammate. I think it’s obviously still bs because there’s a whole host of low character NFL players and low character busts to populate a “worst teammates ever” roster many times over. But I can also see why many NFL players would resent Tebow. Especially in situations where they brought him in to be a gadget player. Nobody wanted a hyped backup QB, let alone a hyped special teams player.
Lomas Brown once admitted that he intentionally whiffed on a block and allowed his QB to get hurt so another QB would be put in his place. If any Gator should have made this list, it should have been Brown.
That's pretty low. Call him Low Mass Brown. Reminds me of Sean Payton, the Saints head coach who was suspended, I think for a whole year, because of bounties paid to Saints players to injure opposing players. I saw recently where this first-class jerk now has another NFL head coaching gig. The millions keep flowing in. He's so deserving.
To me it seems you have a problem with Tim Tebow because of his religious beliefs and not his haircut but hey, if you got a problem with his hair style, have at it.
Was always a TT fan & maybe this is bs to sell a book.... How devout Christian quarterback Tim Tebow destroyed his relationship with the Denver Broncos | Daily Mail Online Tim Tebow turned the Denver Broncos against him by hogging the spotlight, with one staffer acidly calling him: 'The most self-centered humble guy I've ever met'. The quarterback destroyed his relationship to the Broncos management by being egotistical and money hungry despite his devout Christian faith, a new book claims. Tebow angered his bosses when he made a 'cottage industry' of speaking gigs and earning $50,000 for appearing at churches. But Tebow had been 'inconsistent' in practice and he 'struggled to understand concepts in reading defense and executing the offense'. Cole writes: 'As one teammate put it bluntly that season: 'He has no idea what's going on out there. If the first read doesn't work, he's just making it up'. Broncos coaches would just 'shake their head when asked about Tebow's classroom (level) understanding of professional concepts'.
After fields proclaiming “F it, I’m going do it my way this week” then getting blown out after going 11/22 for 90 yards. Should he be on this list?
Tebow was indeed in over his head With the reads but with all the garbage GMs and coaches put with with idiot players I find it hard to believe he ‘ruined his relationships’ with broncos management by ‘speaking at churches’.