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Let's Watch These Kids Grow Together . . .

Discussion in 'RayGator's Swamp Gas' started by ETGator, Sep 11, 2023.

  1. gatordavisl

    gatordavisl VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    northern MN
    • Funny Funny x 4
  2. Matthanuf06

    Matthanuf06 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 13, 2007
    You obviously have no idea how much I enjoy winning. My responses here are solely defending myself, responding to trolls, or legitimately trying to help people. GC is not where serious football discussion happens nor is it where passionate fans congregate.

    And I’ve actually been pretty consistent in saying I’ve been happy with how Mertz is playing. His numbers aren’t that great but I don’t think that is mostly his fault. I care about total production and in this case passing production. I’m happy to go outside this board to discuss why our passing attack is limited? AR? Mertz? WRs? TEs? Napier? Clearly that discussion cannot be had here as compared to other spots in the Gator world. GC seems to believe we are the Kurt Warner Rams and any suggestion otherwise is blasphemy

    And I never said Napier was at risk of being fired now or any time soon. If he thought I said that he could have had the common courtesy to simply ask instead of taking the stupid position that coaches are not evaluated. It would have saved us all some time
  3. Matthanuf06

    Matthanuf06 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 13, 2007
    Lack of mobility is obvious. I will add lack of air yards as well. It’s obvious to the eye and it shows in the data

    But my concern is lack of passing production. Why are you assuming that it’s due to Mertz?
  4. gatordavisl

    gatordavisl VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    northern MN
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Wish I would have said that Wish I would have said that x 1
  5. 31g8r

    31g8r GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 20, 2013
    Youve just sent the chatbot into an infinite loop of does not compute

    I’m not sure that you will will receive a well thought out cogent response to your question. I havent seen much in the past by way of substantive critical assessment of actual performance. I expect the response given to consist of adv. metric citations and how they point to suboptimal performance.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Matthanuf06

    Matthanuf06 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 13, 2007
    isn’t it clear it’s the opposite? Obviously I enjoy educating others and defeating the trolls. Why else would I be here? This is obviously not the place one talks about route trees and defensive switches
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 1
  7. LS1

    LS1 All American

    Sep 9, 2015
    Marysville, OH
    A quarterback lines up under center. Correctly identifies his pre-snap reads. The center snaps the ball, and the QB can't complete his five step drop because the pass rush immediately penetrated the interior OL. So the QB evades the defenders and rolls out while keeping his eyes downfield. Progressions......first option is blanketed. Quickly finds his second option is open by a half step, throws a perfect pass that leads his WR, hits him right in the hands 10 yards downfield for what should be an easy first down completion with the opportunity for several yards after the catch.

    The ball bounces off the receiver's hands and is picked off by the safety.

    Your brain tells you the QB was perfect on that particular play. The data just looks at the end result and says the opposite.

    @Matthanuf06 only cares about the data.
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  8. Matthanuf06

    Matthanuf06 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 13, 2007
    Well then you’d be surprised by my answer

    The eyes and the data line up perfectly. Mertz isn’t mobile. This lines up with poor QB rushing/sack data. We have zero downfield attack. Shows up clearly in tons of data points. YPA, Air yards, EPA etc. It is pretty obvious to anyone watching the game

    And I’m not blaming Mertz. That’s just a weak assumptions. I clearly said he’s busting his ass off and maximizing his opportunity. It’s not his fault he’s not mobile. And the lack of downfield attack has multiple reasons well beyond the scope of Gator Country

    I’m fully prepared for one of the trolls to try to make an argument that Mertz has the mobility of Mike Vick
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2023
  9. Matthanuf06

    Matthanuf06 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 13, 2007
    You realize you are just telling on yourself right? I suspect you’ll be deleting this

    1. Shows your lack of understanding of modern statistics

    2. Ignores the fact that I’m concerned about lack of passing production. A WR dropping a third down pass certainly falls in the negative in terms of passing production. You do realize the passing offense consists of all 11 players on the field PLUS the plays called PLUS the talent PLUS the development? There are multiple points of potential failure, why are you singularly focused on the QB?
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2023
  10. hawaiigator

    hawaiigator GC Legend

    Sep 9, 2018
    What part of those scrambles he’s done makes you think he’s not mobile? Just because he chooses not to run every play doesn’t make him immobile.
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  11. LS1

    LS1 All American

    Sep 9, 2015
    Marysville, OH
    I suspect you're wrong. Telling on myself? What does that even mean? LOL it's just an example that proves you are incapable of looking at something and forming your own analysis.

    ^ this right here tells us all we need to know. "Lack of mobility" and "lack of passing production" means absolutely nothing. Just more blanket statements that further prove you have no idea what you are actually looking at.
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  12. Matthanuf06

    Matthanuf06 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 13, 2007
    Do you watch other games? Serious question

    Okay I’ll be more specific. Production via QB runs and QB sacks. Whether it’s lack of ability (mobility), willingness, or play calls the end result has been the same.

    Mertz is 124th in QB rushing production and 86th in production lost due to sacks. I’ll let you determine if it’s due to his speed, agility, willingness, play calls, or OL. If you watch every QB out there and you think Mertz has top half speed/agility then so be it. Unfortunately it’s not showing up
  13. 31g8r

    31g8r GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 20, 2013
    GM doesn't have the mobility of MV but he can move and he displayed this in several times last game. We gave up 1 sack last game against what viewed by many a dominant DL. Lack of air yds is misleading stat when discussing a run orientated team. Especially early in the season. Last week taking downfield throws could have ruined the success we had in the 2nd Q. We did have 1 throw downfield GM threw early with pressure in his face and paid a price.

    We arent playing fantasy football, GM was on point with timely throws into tight widows with repeated success.

    Coming into the season you predicted he wouldn’t elevate his game from his previous stop at wisky. So far he is operating the offense with efficiency and leadership, will it continue who knows too many variables way beyond air yds and EPA
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2023
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  14. Matthanuf06

    Matthanuf06 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 13, 2007
    The shit? You somehow think a drop and pressures aren’t picked up in any data. Dude this isn’t 1950 anymore

    And I quoted MANY passing production stats. Please do a little research. You do realize we can measure how much production a QB gets out of running or how much is lost via sacks? This isn’t made up stuff. It’s pretty widely understood. Just venture out and learn something new about the game you watch
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. lizardbreath

    lizardbreath GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 30, 2017
    Pace, FL
    Matt got too silly once too often for me a few days back, so I sent him off for a little visit to the cornfield. Could turn out to be a permanent arrangement this time.
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  16. LS1

    LS1 All American

    Sep 9, 2015
    Marysville, OH
    ^ late edit, and more BS.

    1. Even the most advanced statistics cannot account for all of those factors. You can't put a numerical value on the little things.

    2. "Multiple points of failure" is one of several variables that I'm referring to. YOU are the only one focused solely on the QB, evidenced by your continuous references to meaningless numbers......

    ^ like this. Why does Mertz need to run when Etienne can do it better? Show me an example of a specific play when Mertz had an easy path to get significant yards on the ground, and made the wrong choice. Show me examples of Mertz repeatedly holding the ball too long and taking unnecessary sacks.

    I'm not holding my breath.

    ^ more of the same BS. "Please do a little research"....LOL. You're a clown, and that's the bottom line.
    • Winner Winner x 2
  17. 31g8r

    31g8r GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 20, 2013
    You are back to using stats out of context shame on you. The bulk of the negative rush stats come from game 1, shame on you for predicting the future off if an outlier bc it makes yiur argument seem valid.

    Lack if mobility doesn’t necessarily equate to stationary. Clearly last game showed GM wasn’t stationary in the ut game
    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. Matthanuf06

    Matthanuf06 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 13, 2007
    This is a little disrespectful to Mertz. Did you watch him at Wisconsin? He’s actually quite similar to what he was there and probably why Napier wanted him. His underlying numbers are very similar to his career

    And again, I’m not blaming Mertz for the weak passing attack or okay offense. I care about total offensive production. It is never 100% about the QB. It’s a team games and coaching plays a role

    But this is interesting. If you don’t think Mertz is to blame for an okay offense and mediocre passing then that clearly begs the question. Who are you blaming?
  19. HankTheMightyGator

    HankTheMightyGator GC Hall of Famer VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Mertz may not be a dual-threat or running QB, but he sure looked mobile enough to me.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  20. LS1

    LS1 All American

    Sep 9, 2015
    Marysville, OH
    But but but he's 124th in rushing production!!!!! ThAtS wHaT rEaLlY mAtTeRs
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