Rep. Nadler Goes Right After Jim Jordan to Kickoff Blockbuster Garland Hearing: Everything You Just Said Has Been ‘Completely Refuted’ - NewsBreak "After Jordan made his opening statement, Nadler offered up the Robert’s Rules of Order version of Joe Pesci’s famous opening statement line from My Cousin Vinny. ( “Everything that guy just said is bullshit.”) But Nadler went into a bit more detail: "Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, at the outset, let me make two comments. One: Just about every assertion you made in your opening statement has been completely refuted by witnesses who have testified before this committee. "Two: Far from being favored, many commentators have noted that people accused of simple gun possession while under the influence of a drug, when that gun was not used in the commission of a crime, are rarely, if ever, prosecuted the way Hunter Biden is being prosecuted." All the vastly more important matters Nadler referred to are simply ignored by the MAGA Republicans. The focus on Hunter Biden is surreal. Also embarrassing.
Pee tape. Now that was legit. Real journalism. Solid evidence. Interesting dough boy never once offered to refute that. Intellectual honesty at its finest.
Why Jordan's "audience" will accept Um·welt /ˈo͝omvelt/ noun (in ethology) the world as it is experienced by a particular organism. "the worlds they perceive, their Umwelten, are all different"
Even if Jordan looks like a "dough boy", I find it bad form to make fun of someone's appearance, even Jordan's. Why say that??
I got a chuckle from Rep Swalwel’s comment I think it's quite rich that we are talking about subpoena compliance under a chairman of a full committee who was absolutely out of subpoena compliance in the last Congress,” He brings this fact up every chance he gets. Several times now. He also had a running clock on Jordan’s subpoena evasion. 496 days 15 hours and 15 minutes displayed prominently.
Didn't see Nadler, but caught a bit of the Jordan led questioning which was an embarrassing circus at best.
Teaser thread title. It bears clarifying what Nadler blasted Jordan and the House Oversight Committee with.