I feel like the move to ouster him from some Republicans is inevitable. If five Republicans are ready to get rid of him and all the Democrats vote with those five then he is gone. The question is would the Democrats do that or would they vote no to keep him?
Push comes to shove, he can decide how much he wants to give Democrats to keep the job and how many Republicans that would shed for him. Basically, the only reason he has the job now is no other Republican wants it.
I think now is the perfect time for the "middle" to spontaneously appear. 1/3 the Pubs go centric. 1/3 the Dems go centric. Vote in a centrist as speaker, and lets get some shit done. 2/3 wins every time.
Dems seem happy to watch from the sidelines. Republicans voting for a lunatic is at their own peril. Stefanik would be that lunatic… an intelligent person that is a Trump sycophant.
More an opportunist. She’ll dump Trump the moment it’s in her interest to do so. Her support is transactional and she’s afraid of not giving it now. Principles be damned.
They are happy to watch but if Gaetz calls for a vote then the Dems will have to make a decision. The smart move would be to wait like they've been doing then make a deal when the time is right
Wouldn’t the dems just all vote for Jeffries? I guess the motion to vacate would be a separate vote, and I’d assume all all dems would vote to remove the Republican speaker. When it comes time to nominate a new speaker, I don’t think the dems are going to help the Republicans get their shit together. At least not until a long protracted process of the R’s being unable to fill the seat.
That would be great. Then just get five or so of those R’s who won in blue leaning districts. Trumpaloons would lose their minds. Oh wait…
Don't they always vote for the Democratic nominee? I mean they could have all voted for Bryon Donalds (or any other Republican nominee) when they were having the Speaker election and kept McCarthy from being Speaker. Instead they all voted for Hakeem Jeffries.
Uhhh… no, the minority party’s vote doesn’t really matter. If they voted for Byron Donald’s that would have had the same impact as voting for Jeffries. Theoretically a moderate or independent could get support from either side. I just don’t see a chance in hell the republicans are going to nominate a moderate that would get any dem support. Most likely it would be some far right nutjob, the only reason this “vacate the speaker” possibility is even a thing is because of freedom caucus nutters.
Bryan Donalds was nominated and received I believe 20 votes on the third and fourth round of the voting for Speaker. If all of the Dems had voted for him instead of Jeffries, he would have been Speaker.
Well yeah, but why the heck would ANY of the dems vote for Byron Donalds let alone *ALL* of them vote for a Republican speaker? Especially if only a few hardline R’s were nominating him. That makes no sense. Not even sure why he was the choice of a few freedom caucus types. It didn’t come off as serious. But if the point was making a deal with the dems, wouldn’t it have been easier to pull off like 10 or so dems to support McCarthy (or whatever was mathematically required)? There was speculation that’s exactly what McCarthy needed to do to get across the line in a tightly divided house. Instead, he made a deal with the likes of MTG and Gaetz. How’s that working out?
I think they should go back and forth, ousting each other, until the only person left, in the Capitol, is the lunch lady.
Very altruistic. Any “help” from Dems is a death knell for that R person. They will be viewed as compromised and labeled a RINO. Can’t save them from themselves. Their failures are seat pick-ups for rational centrists. Have to suffer before they can see the light.