World bad guys 2 - America 0 So we traded a Russian Arms dealer for a lesbian, AA, basketball player and now we released 6 billion and freed 5 Iranian prisoners for 5 Iranians who happen to also be American citizens that I assume passed the test. America sucks at this. And I would say this no matter who was in charge. If any American goes into what is known as "hostile to Americans" territory, you are on your own.
I’m ambivalent about it but understand that at the end of the day it is their money from the sale of oil, so not “found” money. I’ll never understand why Americans put themselves in harm’s way being in VERY unfriendly countries.
Found a way to do it without giving them full access to do as they want. Seems like a good deal and not easy to hammer through. Tip of the hat to Joe!
Diamond Joe is playing 3 dimensional chess. Releasing 6 billion, getting 5 hostages and enacting new sanctions all at basically the same time. Biden announces more Iran sanctions on the anniversary of Mahsa Amini's death President Joe Bidenannounced new U.S. sanctions Friday on “some of Iran’s most egregious human rights abusers” as he marked the anniversary of the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who died while being held by the country’s m
GOP gives zero craps about Americans or America. If it could embarrass Biden they cross their fingers for a bad outcome for these prisoners. Half wanted Griner imprisoned for life.
this is a BS post. to say that people who want to disincentivize hostage taking of AMERICANS don't care about Americans or America is really shitty. selling out the future for the present does not make one a patriot. not 1, but 2 nobel prize winners would disagree with you.
Most of us don't consider diplomacy to be a sport or a zero-sum game. I'm happy Americans get to come home to their families.
With regards to your last couple sentences I really do think we need to make it very clear to US citizens which countries they can’t visit and still expect any sort of help if/when this shit goes down. Have it imprinted on everyone’s passports in every major language. Let’s try to keep this from happening.
And will you be happy when Iran grabs the next set of hostages? This is rewarding them forvbad behaivor. What do you think the consequences of that w Because it encourages more hostage taking. The same reason we don't pay off terrorists who take hostages
Because they believe that big brother will reward their captors to secure their release and Biden has proven them to be correct