Not a big fan of the relaxed dress code. It is a serious place and member's dress should reflect that.
Staffers are still required to dress professionally ... but not senators? No one else finds this strange?
I dont mind sharp dressed but not necessarily in a suit and tie - Apple executives look sharp in Apple announcements but dont wear suits. Hoodie and shorts is a ridiculous way to be in any meeting that doesnt include beer and sand.
I'll worry about that right after the GOP House bans members from showing exhibits with exposed male private parts.
Wow, what terribly unmannerly behavior. People should really show some respect for the Capitol, don't you think?
Tbh if they do a great job I don't really care if they do press conferences with their weiners hanging out. Unfortunately I can't think of any that actually do a good job. Personally I've never voted for someone because they wear a well put together outfit. I also don't understand the hate this guy gets for being a moron. Is he a moron? Sure, but don't forget the Republicans decided to run a weird daytime tv doctor regarded as a crazy person by much of America. The fact he's there says more about his opposition.
OP's title is very confusing. Why should babies have a dress code? I'm taking a stand on this right now. Diapers, jumpers, shorts and tops should all be fine. Exceptions should be allowed for when the baby is actually being changed.
I had a thought when I started the thread that almost made me throw up.......What if Nancy Pelosi showed up wearing nothing but a thong?