Fire ants have now invaded Europe through the “soft underbelly”. The insects are native to South America and until recently were known to have spread to the United States, Mexico, the Caribbean and parts of Asia. But researchers said they have identified a “mature population” on the island of Sicily in Italy. The discovery marks the first time that a population of the ants is known to have taken root in Europe, raising concerns about potential damage to ecosystems and the spread of an insect that can be a painful nuisance to humans. In the study, published Monday in the journal Current Biology, researchers said they found 88 nests across nearly 12 acres near the Sicilian city of Syracuse during the winter of 2022-2023. There have been three “interceptions” of fire ants in Europe before — in Spain, Finland and the Netherlands — but this is the first time an extensive population has been identified on the continent, according to the study. Fire ants are “one of the worst invasive species,” said the study’s lead author, Mattia Menchetti of the Institute of Evolutionary Biology in Barcelona, and they “can spread alarmingly quickly.” The insects, which have the scientific name Solenopsis invicta, are known to spread by hitching rides on plants and boats, as well as by wind and water. (Tropical storms and hurricanes in the United States have forced warnings of floating ant islands in flooded areas.) And did anyone know that the scientific name for fire ants included “invicta”? Figures. Invasive fire ants take root in Europe Invasive fire ants take root in Europe - Tampa Bay Times For more great content like this subscribe to the Tampa Bay Times app here:
After the killer bees get the ants, then the murder hornets get the bees, just need to find something to take out the hornets
Genetic weapons are the only solution and it carries only a moderate risk of creating a super-predator race of ants that will take over the world and exterminate us.
People up here will tell you they Michael Jordan destroyed the Hornets single handedly. The Charlotte variant in particular.