JMO: I still look at it several times a day. It's particularly great for breaking news and following certain topics and lists. However, I do find it more difficult to navigate and find past content from posters, a bit more clunky generally, and less user friendly overall. Relevant to this board, it's also not linking the same way it used to, although it's highly possible that's just user-error as opposed to a limitation with the platform itself. I pay for enough stuff between cable and various apps. I just kinda refuse to start shelling out for yet another thing every month, so that may also be affecting my experience.
Yes, as long as you don't compel compliance on everyone else. What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
What if he isnt a free speech champion and is just utilizing the law here to his own ends like he does in China or wherever he does business? That seems crassly utilitarian, not idealistic. He certainly isnt maximizing his financial leverage to achieve something you say he prizes. He's rather sell cars to China it seems.
What if he is a free speech champion, and ya'll just hate him because he's an obstacle rather than a tool at the moment?
Oh he's always been a tool. And personally I dont think billionaires are particularly useful for anything except maybe a guillotine.
Maybe you don't, but a significant and powerful group of militant left-wing activists certainly does. That's why they pressure advertisers to manipulate the business decisions of billionaires.
You always seem to classify essentially anyone left of center as "militantly left-wing" which is kind of ridiculous. Even when his rep was different he was extremely anti-union and opposed to things people who are left-wing generally support. The people I know that were (or still are) Musk fans were run of the mill liberals, people who could you know, afford a Tesla (and probably didn't care much about unions or working class issues). FWIW anyone left-wing probably is just as skeptical of the ADL (over Palestine) as Musk, if there's a way they can both lose all their money in a lawsuit, I'm for it.
Saying something true (that Twitter has increasing amounts of Anti-Semitism), is not defamatory, even if you and Musk would prefer that it was.
According to Musk, they called him anti-semitic which would be unequivocally false... by their own public statements, they've said that Musk is engaging in a "highly toxic, anti-semitic campaign" which is also unequivocally false. They pressured advertisers to back off harming Twitter as a platform and Elon's bottom line. There's a false statement, harming his reputation, heard by another person, causing damages. “It is profoundly disturbing that Elon Musk spent the weekend engaging with a highly toxic, antisemitic campaign on his platform Now, where's the proof of damages CAUSED by the ADL? That's what discovery's for. But in light of the ADL's track record as a truth be damned left-wing activist group, in addition to the allegations that they attempted to pressure advertisers to stay away, in addition to their move to double down on the claims that Musk is "engaging in an antisemitic campaign", I wouldn't say it's looking good for them.
If I'm calling people to the left of you "militant left-wing" I wouldn't exactly call that "anyone left of center." But maybe that's just me. Maybe the self-proclaimed Communist is the new moderate.
Every frustrated billionaire eventually blames the Jews (or some shadowy conspiracy reminiscent of Protocols of Zion stuff), otherwise they'd have to blame themselves or capitalism. Musk going Henry Ford was extremely predictable!
The ADL is not "the Jews." It's a left-wing advocacy group apparently engaging in a smear campaign against an obstacle to the agenda.
JFC, there is nothing remotely left-wing about the ADL sorry. Those are the people that the left calls "the Israel lobby" and basically are a tool for Israeli apartheid and arming Israel's right-wing nationalist government. That they call out anti-semetism doesnt make them left wing unless you are saying right-wing ideology is anti-semetic. I am open to that possibility.
Ok, if you are suggesting that opposing anti-semetism is left-wing and right-wing ideology is inherently anti-semetic, you got me! Big self-own for you if you want to go there.
Well you could always put some words in your own mouth and explain what makes an organization which basically exists to oppose anti-semetism and lobby for US-Israel relations even remotely left-wing
I don't think you know what the word "unequivocally" means. Saying somebody is anti-Semitic is an opinion. You may not agree with their opinion, but that doesn't make the statement "unequivocally false."