Not sure about that, I was just discussing this with a patient of mine who (per his account) worked for the DOJ and spend 4 years embedded with various homeless populations. I asked him why some many seemed to stay that way, his response they like living that way, they don’t have to follow the rules. He cited a program where he worked with over 400 of them getting section 8 housing. After 2 years about 20 were still in the housing provided. The reason most were not… they got kicked out for not following the rules. Certainly it is one person’s first hand observations but I took him at face value as he is a psychologist. I’d venture to guess it’s higher than 40% who are using drugs or have mental illness. Things like schizophrenia are very hard to treat and people need to stay on meds how do we ensure someone does that? Have a med clinic where if they don’t check in for their meds the police come pick them up? We still have the right to refuse care unless we are a danger to ourselves or someone else. I guess one could argue someone wanting to live on the street isn’t in their right mind but many would not agree with that stance. Sadly I think with the proliferation of High Potency THC the numbers will go up, time will tell.(I know some will call me “reefer madness”). Do some research and watch, it’s the next opioid epidemic in the making.