Coal is not recyclable, either. You burn it, and it's gone. Presumably, lithium can be recycled. Lithium batteries can be used to capture solar or other renewable forms of energy, while coal is a non-renewable energy source that contributes to global warming.
indeed. The world is hotter because God is secretly scrambling eggs and frying bacon somewhere in the desert where we can’t see it. #sCiEnCe!!
interestingly, it’s only hotter in the northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, it’s actually cooler. This is primarily due to “seasons.” Also, “weather” is known to directly affect the outside temperatures.
interesting. Tell me more. I always thought when it’s summer in the northern hemisphere it is winter in the southern hemisphere. I thought I read that somewhere….in a book. I saw a YouTube video once where the dude claimed Summers were hot, and I remember Frosty the snowman loved the winters because it was cold…and I cried when he melted in the summer. And we can’t forget this guy… Man! This new science is hard. I guess all my learning years were wasted on fast cars and loose women.
The other benefit to lithium is that it can be recycled and it’s plentiful. The future is bright if we can just not destroy the world before we get there.
Look..everyone knows what you're about and what you are doing here. Could you possibly restrict your nonsense to one or two threads and leave the rest for adult conversations? This thread is about a new lithium battery technology. A lot of people are genuinely interested in it. It's not political, it's not sexual, and it's not religious. It's not even controversial. Even for a class clown it should be difficult to come in and screw with a topic such as this. Just cut everyone a break and move on.
That’s too reductionist and not all that is considered. For instance, there is probably not a more remote area in the United States than where this lithium cache is located. This is where the best ground-based astronomy is in the lower 48 due to its remoteness. Additionally, it gets very little rain meaning a lot of the issues with runoff etc. are limited factors. I think your premise on coal mines is faulty as well. New mines are still approved yearly and there has been a shift to coal from the western states due to it being low sulfur. There is downward pressure on the coal industry due to the effects of using coal though. That being said, I don’t think anyone will claim that open pit mining is “good” it’s more of a balancing of the issues.
I only have one person blocked, dugger, but this clown is getting close to being the second. I’m not sure what he brings to the board since even his supposed professional expertise is dubious.
I am very familiar with the tech. My son is a chem Eng and he worked on this stuff his senior year at MIT while externing in Australia. I am excited about it. But don’t tell me what I can post, because you won’t like my response. I will call out the Girl Scouts if they start espousing hoaxes.