Beyond 15 weeks it takes about 10 minutes to confirm a fetal demise. There shouldn’t be any thing to think twice about.
I hate your ilk which is turning this country into a shithole. There’s a huge difference that goes right over your head which I attribute to a lack of self awareness and self importance. if you said I hate what America is becoming and I have options that would be accurate.
You hate any ilk that doesnt think exactly like you and the irony is that your side alleges the opposite. You really are just the lefts version of the maga crowd that cant see any good in those that see the world different.
If it’s such a shit hole where would you rather go? The GOP has had control of the Oval office for 4 out of the last 14 years. Seems like the Dems have had the wheel for most of recent history….
I’ve been to Spain and Portugal several times. I can see myself living there. But I just got back from Panamá City and that really opened my eyes. Can get a 2009 sq ft condo on the 40th floor of the old Trump tower fronting the Pacific for 625K. Big perks for foreign residents and a cosmopolitan city…
Good come back. Very deep. You toss around words like hate. You literally harbor hate, and cant see that makes you the one that you think you are not.
While I would never have contributed to the thread title Crowdfunding, I can easily see contributing to your stated endeavor here. In fact, the more of your ilk that you take with would add to the number of digits on the click
It’s what happens when you leave no room for nuance in debate. You push both sides to the extreme. In this case, the pro-life side.
I think with 16 weeks you could get most republicans and independents and some democrats, as long as there was more latitude for exceptions and extraordinary situations and protections for health care providers who are acting in good faith in an effort to protect the mother. I don’t think the 15 week law in FL had a negative political impact for Desantis. I think the 6 week ban will. In my case, I’d still prefer the viability cutoff but I wouldn’t have a big problem with what I described above. I do have a big problem with 6 weeks or less to the point that I probably wouldn’t vote for any politician that took that position regardless of where they stood on anything else. Your view is that a potential future life of a non conscious non thinking non feeling zygote trumps the rights of a mother to make decisions about her own body. Until you get your arms around that you will never understand why this is such a triggering issue for some.
They're striving to save innocent lives from the vacuum and blender disposal. One such saved soul could live to be POTUS...or 2x natty and Heisman winning QB for the Gators....