As Mr. Zappa said, there's trouble coming every day. I'm not sure exactly what Smith wants the US to do. Negotiate but not compromise? Biden White House must act as genocide threatens to 'destroy' 120,000 people, GOP rep urges
let’s all hope for a diplomatic resolution. Seems possible. It doesn’t make much sense for escalating through an armed conflict. The Azerbaijan people would suffer if sanctions fell upon them. Close to 90% of their economy is oil and gas. Many US and European companies would abandon a destabilized Azerbaijan. Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict | Global Conflict Tracker
What the White House needs to do is figure out what to do about human beings as such. Biden should create a cabinet post whose sole responsibility would be researching and finding solutions on how the human race became what it is. I think that reptiles in humanity's shady evolutionary past may have something to do with it.
This can’t be a serious question. If we aren’t willing to be more actively involved when one country invades another for no more noble a purpose than conquest and subjugation, then don’t try to pull my heart strings ever, ever again on atrocities going on domestically in a foreign country. You name a country; I’ll name something going on in it that I don’t like or agree with.
I hate to see innocent people suffer But we need to take care of our own house first. We need to stop getting involved in wars that do not directly effect the USA.
Not necessarily Both great wars had direct impact on the us based on who won or lost. Korean,Vietnam, Iraqi war .. not so much.
need more info what it requires and how we could be effective - but we should stop genocide. But as far as getting our house in order first, that could probably be said from 1776 to this very second.
Asked another way, should the US be the world's police? The US obviously cannot afford to as we are $32T in debt and thus have overspent unreasonably since 1980.
This is my feeling. It’s a noble thought and desire to want to police the world but in the last 50 years we have learned that we cannot afford it and that we are not wanted in certain parts of the world.
It's been quite a bit longer than 18 months. The last time we "started" a war was in 2003 when Bush invaded Iraq.
Agreed. And the term genocide gets thrown around so loosely that it is starting to have no meaning. Not all warfare is genocide. Not all warfare between different ethnic groups is genocide. Moreover, just because one ethnic group starts to win war between ethnic groups does not automatically make it genocide.