Is Putin allowed to invade Finland now because , according to some posters above, the mere threat of Ukraine joining NATO explains the continued Russian invasion?
Where is that $113M number from?. And there is a difference between approved and actually spent. Yes we’ve given a lot, but remember there are many internet postings from Russian propagandists attempting to exaggerate, discredit, and convert to their side. But I literally stopped reading your post past the hyperbole “the most corrupt country on the planet”.
It’s good he at least is addressing it. Nikki also brings it up. Curious did he discuss his position on abortion? It’s such an important issue for repubs.
Imagine tax cuts designed to blow up deficits and force a cut in entitlements, actually blow up deficits.
Not on that podcast. But elsewhere he has said while he is pro life it should be up to the states to decide but opposes federal abortion laws. Similar to Haley I think.
Let’s take this point by point. Is Russia’s economy devastated? Pretty much. Maybe not total NK economic devastation, but they aren’t living as they had become accustomed. Putin has done generational harm to the Russian economy in terms of capital flight and brain drain (as well as loss of life). Does he care? Probably not so long as he controls the population. Has American Blood been spilled? Nope. Zero U.S. troops in theater. Is Ukraine a fledgling democracy? Yep. Is delaying Putins conquest of Ukraine slowing Putin’s ambitions towards other countries. I don’t see how anyone could say otherwise. Seriously, if Putin had succeeded in his invasion and spent the past year absorbing Ukraine into Russias economy rather than having to expend heavy military losses, what do you think Putin would be doing right now? The obvious answer is looking at his next conquest. If not directly into Eastern Europe, then somewhere else. Looks to me all his points are nearly irrefutable. I’ve seen you falsely label Ukraine “the most corrupt country on earth” before. You realize the source of that corruption is actually a far more corrupt nation, and that’s Russia. You get that? Other former Soviet satellite states have had to deal with this post Soviet corruption. When they purge that Russian influence they can follow the model of other countries that managed to do the same.
This is some of the dumbest crap and most of it isn’t even factually true and misconstrued. Most corrupt? Not even close. Russia’s invasion had to do with NATO and it would just end tomorrow? Wrong again.
@I_boy Thx for the reference to that podcast series. Some really great info. I hadn’t ever heard of it before.
It is an interesting show. Entertaining sometimes, maddening others. The three hosts are venture capitalist types in the tech world. They have to very insightful thoughts on tech. But then they wander into politics and they are all over the map. They tend to have completely incoherent views. I really loved how Christie basically just destroyed David Sax who is a Republican apologist and a big Elon and Desantis shill. I almost have to turn the pod off when Sax is talking - he’s a Fox News / MAGA talking points machine. Finally somebody on the pod that could point out how ridiculous his views are. On some tech, business and finance issues Sax is very insightful.