What if a woman finds out she's pregnant less than 24 hours shy of the six week mark in her pregnancy?
Are you really concerned with this? No you’re not. The point of the 24hr pause is the give the woman (no men can’t have babies) time to have a chance to receive counseling to see if they really want to end the life of their own child. Now whether or not their sexual activity was intended to result in pregnancy or even their choice it did happen and now there are decisions that will affect this mother for a lifetime especially if she had trauma. I don’t feel 24 hrs is unreasonable and probably is too short. I thought you lefties liked counseling?
I didn't watch it live, but they had oral argument this morning in the Florida Supreme Court on Florida's abortion law. FYI. https://acis.flcourts.gov/portal/co...f13/case/693c27ad-f040-4da1-9c9e-b52e62e960a2
The whole point is its not that simple. This thread is literally about a fully functioning women's healthcare facility that almost had to shut down because of a law passed by a governor who thinks "post-birth abortions" are a thing. Women are fighting for their livelihood against people who literally don't know what they're talking about. Your repeated claims that people really aren't donating for healthcare and only doing it to continue abortions is very clearly a projection on your part.
The numbers don’t support you. The number of women who are anti choice is about equal to the support the American Nazi party had before ww2
Personal beliefs and personal anecdotes aside, it is not completely made up. There is more than just a whiff of it running through the opposition.
You've obviously never been involved in the process. I have. There are many steps and a lot of time involved where the woman could change her mind. This law is insulting.
The "so" part is important because we have a minority controlling the majority's freedoms due to some horrific maneuvering by the republicans to load SCOTUS with this current crop of extremists. It will stop. I disagree completely. I take you at your word that it is not your motivation, but it is for plenty of men. Just read the absurd posts about the man's right to a "financial abortion" in the Texas travel thread.
This is great. Are Tilly and his wife accused of being anti-women? I know I've accused of wanting a war against white people. What else do we have, any antisemitic Jews here? How about black members of the KKK? (And, no, Dave Chappelle doesn't count.) Or are people getting carried away with blanket statements?
It’s an accurate portrayal. It’s why trump is still popular. Most women who are anti abortion are pro choice. You are firmly on the side of evil on this issue.
Ok, so let's get this straight ok? You guys are not PRO LIFE you're PRO BIRTH. That's the first thing that has to change, start recognizing what you are. Until you pass programs and laws that will help those women get through a pregnancy they didn't want or keep a child they didn't' plan to have, you are part of the problem and not a solution. To be Pro Life you have to give them that hand out that most of us are tired of paying for. Bring back PreK programs at public schools. Make college, both tech and traditional, affordable. Kids need new shoes, food, healthcare etc. That's a LOT of money you need to spend to keep women from making their own choices. Seems things were done backwards. FIRST help women, THEN take away their rights. You might actually have more people on your side. About six-in-ten Americans say abortion should be legal in all or most cases Check Idaho - I just read in the paper today that OBGYN's, especially those that take care of high risk pregnancies, are leaving the state. They have to make decisions sometimes and counsel their patients who have a no win situation, within a vague law. Too much of a pressure filled work environment not knowing if a co worker won't like their decisions, so off they go!
Pity that nobody taught them how babies are made. The reproductive decision was made when the two people chose to have sex. If you're having unprotected sex then you are actively deciding it's ok to get pregnant. Disagree all you want, but if you think women don't have the cognitive ability to figure out that having unprotected sex may result in a pregnancy that's pretty sexist of you. Dealing with the consequences of your actions isn't always great, but I don't believe killing tiny people that can't defend themselves is a good way to skirt that. Some people do though, but it's amazing they can't even wait 24 hours to decide.
Injecting yourself in a neutral public policy discussion and then claiming you are being personally attacked by disagreement
Do you seriously think they didn't give it 24 hours thought before they went to the clinic and having to run the gauntlet of scum trying to shame her? This law is just a way to try and make it more difficult to abort a FETUS. PS...a fetus is NOT a baby