We will make you have that baby! Then we will starve that baby and deny them medical care! We are REPUBLICANS! God bless Trump!
More insults from the right. Non-stop. You've become just like trump. You can't see it but you are now like him. Disgusting. And a Dr? Shameful.
Did YOU read it???? Again--what were the $193,000 on fines for? What was that recurring violation they were alleged to have committed?
Despicable. And from a proclaimed doctor. I feel sorry for your patients with that judgmental attitude
Or perhaps grown ass ADULTS could exercise a wee more discretion in engaging in reproductive activities... ...and/or, man the hell up, when reproductive activities result in... reproduction!!!
Tissue =/= life. Chemotherapy is intended to, and has been very effective in, PRESERVING life (by killing off cancerous tissue).
I will never "get it" the way your side insists that I should. The unborn humans are my "it" in this debate.
You just admitted by your use of killing that it is extinguishing life, and you also admitted that some forms of life have priority over others, which are too key components of pro choice positions. Nicely done!
Clearly YOU missed the material distinction between tissue, which is usually living, and human life, which entails an organism. Between these levels are organs. We amputate limbs and remove whole organs, in order to preserve life (of the organism/human). Chemo attacks tissue to preserve life. Abortion exterminates human life...to preserve convenience. 24 hours is a small ask.
My wife and I have removed ventilators from 3 of our 4 parents at the end of their lives. No waiting period once the papers were signed. And if tissues equal life, tell me another set of tissues that have a 24 hour legislatively mandated waiting period to remove them?