This story was so strange that I had to post it. Japanese parents of grown children are paying $96 to attend speed dating events to meet parents of other grown children, to try to match them up. Apparently, young Japanese adults cannot bring themselves to attend these events in person themselves (or do anything else to start a relationship by themselves). No wonder they have a shortage of babies. This is just too bizarre for me to wrap my mind around. It makes American helicopter parents seem like amateurs. In Japan, the young find dating so hard their parents are doing it for them
I have an acquaintance who’s lived in Japan for years. On the balance, he enjoys his life there. But he says the Japanese are “children.”
The only solution I see is for the Japanese economy to do a better job of monetizing video game skills. It is what it is.
Seems that part of the issue is they work so hard they don’t have time to date. It is curious how we look at this and wonder why people work so hard and become so miserable but then we look at a place like Europe and think they are all so lazy with their free time. Reminds of George Carlin routine ever pass somebody in your car going slower than you and think “what a moron!” Then somebody passes you going faster and you think “what an idiot!!”