Unfortunately, my sister thinks this way. She's a fervent Trumper and believes most Qonspiracies. Won't vaccinate her dog and doesn't believe doctors have a clue. Also, extremely open about her racism, but I digress.
Are meteorologists in on the conspiracy? Wondering if I wasted time preparing the property because of the desire to round up patriots into FEMA camps.
yes. Wilbur Ross’s threat to fire NOAA officials over a tweet turns Sharpiegate into a real scandal U.S. agency violated science policy by backing Trump hurricane tweet, report finds
We had a dachshund 50 years ago. He only went outside, on a leash, to do his business. Otherwise, he stayed inside and barked, even if a gnat farted across the street. It was fun watching his body shake while he barked when pooping.
Wow. Would you mind sharing why she holds those views while you apparently do not. They are so radical and have long perplexed me. I never expected that from my fellow Americans. I suspect she's in a circle of friends who feel that way.
Spcca does low cost immunizations in volusia county. I pay for the local strays to get their shots. Some body with presumably deeper pockets get them fixed. I think it costs me 25 bucks a dog.
McNeese State is expected to score the 2nd most points in its game versus Gators. RFK is polling 13.2%
Not quite. It’s trust in default acceptance of what the Federal government says is true. ‘CANNOT VISIT YOUR AGING RELATIVES!!!” “STUDENTS MUST STAY AT HOME” “VACCINE WILL PREVENT YOU FROM GETTING COVID” The trust quotient has gone WAY DOWN. It’s not a MAGA thing - it’s a “am I going to get fooled again?” Thing.
So, City, do you think only the bad Orange man lies; or, do you agree with me that people in power often lie to keep their power?
Sure they all lie, but Orange man is the most prolific pathological liar I have ever seen. It isn’t even close.
Its not her friends, many of whom abhor her comments but otherwise love her personality. And she's really quite a sweet person as long as you keep things politically neutral. I believe its her lack of education and lack of willingness to accept what she doesn't know. I think the Mark Twain quote in your signature is particularly apt.
The federal govt did not do any of these things...Governors made decisions about social distancing and about schools closures. Public health officials such as at the CDC made recommendations including about vaccines, but did not say that vaccines would prevent people from "getting covid" but that vaccines reduce the risk of getting seriously ill and/or dying from covid. Maybe the bigger problem is in default rejection?