I do not miss Chicago, other than the food. This is some funny shit….. Chicago news team robbed at gunpoint during report on armed robberies in the city
I can’t understand how people live like that and accept it. That isn’t freedom. Start arresting people and throwing them in prison. If it takes the national guard so be it.
From the article: At around 5:00 AM, a reporter and photographer were filming in the 1200 block of North Milwaukee Avenue in West Town when three men sporting ski masks exited two vehicles, according to Univision and Chicago police. *** NABET-CWA is arranging a safety meeting for union members to "voice some of their concerns" regarding field production and determine what they can do to support news crews. I've got an idea. How about letting them do their stories after the sun comes up?
Perhaps they should become criminals then, same mentality. If you are worried about crime, you should probably be demanding more people accept their circumstances, or even better, improve the circumstances people should accept.
Lol... it's what they voted for too... that makes it funny. AKA, filming at 5am is just asking for trouble in that area.
Yeah, this thought crossed my mind. Its like saying "I cant believe I got robbed in the wee hours of the morning when I went to the bad side of town to buy drugs." Who's really creating the crime of opportunity here lol?