I could see this leading to rabid dogs biting their MAGA owners and this spreading through their community, until we have a bunch of brain dead, foaming at the mouth, red hatted MAGA zombies roaming among us looking to spread their disease… my biggest concern is how would be able to tell the difference?
Isn't RFK Jr, the person polling second in the Democratic race for President, also a believer in the vaccine conspiracy as well?
I was pay-walled but saw enough to see that it says "More than half of US dog owners expressed concern about pet vaccines, including against rabies, according to a new study" More than half? Seems very high to me.
If RFK Jr. Wants To Be President, He’s Running In The Wrong Primary 538’s statically analysis found that he’d have better luck winning the Republican primary than the democrat primary.
No doubt there idiots abound who believe this stuff, but are you are gonna go with the protest candidate that holds no office as an example of some kind of orthodoxy?
Some Anti-Vaxxers Aren't Getting Their Pets Vaccinated. Here's Why That's So Dangerous Notice the date and place. Pre dates COVID
I find so much antivax nonsense hard to believe. Let me tell you about my friends cousin who got a Covid shot, turned blue and mr wonka had to juice him like a berry.
This probably has nothing to do with MAGA, and.I saw nothing in the article suggesting it did. I don't have to believe otherwise in order to know MAGA is a cancer in our society. Some people.don't vaccinate their dogs because they're "inside dogs"; some can't afford it; and others just don't think about it. I'm sure there are other non-MAGA reasons. Those who think they know more than the experts about infectious diseases might refuse to vaccinate their pets out of some unsubstantiated concern, but they are an uneducated and vocal minority.
The most recent article on the subject is dated August 28, 2023. More Dog Owners Are Questioning Vaccines Like Rabies After Covid More than half of US dog owners expressed concern about pet vaccines, including against rabies, according to a new study By Kristen V Brown August 28, 2023 at 9:30 AM EDTMore Dog Owners Are Questioning Vaccines Like Rabies After Covid
Trust in expertise being eroded by right wingers. Scientist, teachers, doctors, government officials, and now vets. Idiocracy isn’t just a movie. Water? Like out of the toilet?
Apparently the dark ages didn't teach some people anything....alchemy, and spells, and witchcraft oh my!
Guys with a passel of dogs Go to the feed store and the shot is only a few dollars. Of course you have to jab them yourself and it may not be recognized as an “official” rabies shot by your county but the protection is there.