1) Talking on the phone 2) Heights 3) Crocodiles (Alligators) ?? Be afraid...be very afraid. Oh, and don't ask 'Zillennials' about money either. Sensitive subject. Gen Z opting for texting due to ‘phobia’ of phone calls, research reveals | Fox News Nearly of 50% Millennial And Gen-Z Professionals Aren’t Talking About Money Out Of Fear Being Judged (msn.com)
I personally get tired of emails and texts and would rather pick up the phone. But I often have to find younger people in the office to help me with computer issues.
Whenever I have a problem with my phone a young person grabs it, fixes it and hands it back to me with “Here.” And I didn’t learn a damn thing.
It's behavior learned in school... kids today text all day long while in school, but quiver if their phone ever rings in class and gives them away.
I'll be texting back and forth and then finally I'll just call them. You can't fully explain something through texting.
This is true. My son is living with us and trying to buy his own place. There are down payment assistance programs out there where a first time home buyer can get up to $45,000. It is unique to each county, and if you're a first responder you can get up to $25,000. Lots of ways to get help buying a home. I always say - Date the rate, marry the house. You can refi later, but prices keep going up, if not at the same break neck speed they were before. That's just the realtor in me coming out.
Like many here, I remember the 13% mortgage days. Just didn’t have the decades of free money leading up to it.
No doubt and just plain handwriting, period. I recently read handwritten comments from undergraduate students in surveys about a faculty candidate. The writing was horrible! They just don't get enough practice, since everything outside of the elementary classroom is from the keyboard/cellphone.
My son says it stresses his classmates out that he wears his Air Jordans around like regular shoes. They can’t stand seeing creases in them. When he was wearing them at an indoor baseball practice, many kids made comments. They wear sandals when walking from class to class and only put those shoes on when they are just sitting around. I had to google it to find out this wasn’t just a local thing.
The problem is they've learned that showing and explaining to older people how to actually do it does nothing. They don't grasp it even when taught properly because inevitably they are handing it back to the kid months later with the same problem that was already explained. So it's easier just to fix it and give it back.
Its been a bit since our last old person "get off my lawn" post about millenial/gen z's. Thanks for keeping us up to date.
Kids generally dont have the ringers on. Mine never do. I have literally never heard my kids phones "ring".