Innocent until proven guilty is the presumption in the courts, but when one is formally accused of a crime, courts can take into account various considerations such as dangerousness or flight risk in determining bail or or not. Though it differs by state and I am not sure what GA's laws are on this.
Many have argued for years that ability to pay should have no impact on whether someone presumed innocent should have to sit in jail. I'm glad this discussion is getting more attention.
Yes they are river. For all intents and purposes they are the same. We're arguing whether Stalin or Lenin was the greater Communist. At some point you have to say to yourself "who cares which is worse." They're all hyperpartisan, some would even call propagandistic.
It's all about feelings, empathy, lip service, and "doing something (which is really code for pushing leftist agenda items)". If "doing something" is "something" like school vouchers for example, they're mad about that too.
He’s not poor. If nothing else, he could have hired an attorney for the bail hearing and then drop the attorney after being released on bail (since he said he doesn’t want to put his family into a lot of debt by hiring representation). Hell, he could have set up a gofundme and probably received a decent amount of contributions to cover his legal fees considering the reach on this case.
What an amazing coincidence. This just happens to be the only thing about the georgia situation that you have ever read and it fit your narrative perfectly. :Shrug:
you really need some help bro. This post, as it literally about the OPTICS. Not the merits of any charges, not about who you vote for, not about your pronouns, IT LITERALLY SAYS ITS ABOUT THE OPTICS. This is why I question your reading comprehension skills. optics plural noun op·tics ˈäp-tiks 1 plural in form but usually singular in construction : a science that deals with the genesis and propagation of light, the changes that it undergoes and produces, and other phenomena closely associated with it 2 : the aspects of an action, policy, or decision (as in politics or business) that relate to public perceptions
It was quite evident that you lacked information when you started this thread and offered your viewpoint by meme.
We need to send those dunderheads to the re-education camps ASAP. From the article: "examples of society-oriented knowledge included whether unemployment had gotten better or worse over the past year, whether Barack Obama was a Muslim, and whether the world’s temperature had been slowly increasing over the past 100 years." If these are the examples most comparable to those from the study, I'm led to draw no other conclusion than that the questions/issues were structured in such a way to lead the study to a desired conclusion, not for the study to actually provide any probative value. In this case, "Fox viewers/readers are 'less knowledgable (more stupid).'" A lot of academics just like their little circle jerk of sneering at Republicans. If we're playing that way, ask MSNBC viewers whether the Russians stole the 2016 election, whether unemployment improved under Trump pre-pandemic, whether there was any evidence the George Floyd homicide was motivated by race, and whether Caitlyn Jenner is a woman.