Well private sellers need to be responsible in their business. Maybe if you sell a gun to a nut who shoots up a place. You lose the right to own and trade in guns.
"most"? Gotta link for more than like 3 or 4 people that have ever said that? Ive never heard a single normal citizen say tha and I am in Trump country. Your narrow mind is ironic.
You’d think it would be pretty simple. If a guy had to be baker acted just a few years ago. He shouldn’t have guns (let alone an AR-15). *if* there was a process that the seller didn’t follow, such as a background check, I think that should be a crime in an extreme case such as this. Like… accessory to murder. Unfortunately, we can’t assume the seller broke any law even with the baker act. That’s how effed up the situation is in this country.
This makes sense. Selling a gun is not like selling your lawn mower. If you have some extra guns that you just want to sell, better be careful who you sell them to. If you sell to a bad guy whether you knew it or not and without the proper paperwork, should be some consequences for you.
Could have been even more tragic. Jacksonville gunman was turned away from historically Black university before racist shooting that killed 3 at nearby store, authorities say (msn.com) The gunman who killed three people Saturday at a Dollar General store in Jacksonville, Florida, had earlier been turned away from the campus of a historically Black university, just blocks away from the site of the shooting authorities said was a targeted attack against Black people. The shooter, described by police as a White man in his early 20s, first went to the campus of Edward Waters University, where he refused to identify himself to an on-campus security officer and was asked to leave, the university stated in a news release.
I mean… they literally printed up T-shirts for 1/6. I think more than “3 or 4” violent people were present there. But ok, 1/6 is ancient history. Surely sane Republicans have moved on and learned violence is not the answer: nope. Sarah Palin, the Republican VP candidate and a 2020 candidate for Senator just the other day “civil war is going to happen”. Sarah Palin says US civil war ‘is going to happen’ over Trump prosecutions | Sarah Palin | The Guardian Also, how could we forget: Are we being pushed into another Civil War?
Agree. Hard to say anything good about this, but it could easily have a lot more than three people killed
This question needs to be answered, in my opinion. Crucial to understanding how this happened and, more importantly, what can be done to help prevent it from happening again.
This racist psycho was about to slaughter a bunch of black students on campus. So black people not only have to deal with racist assholes in Florida trying to prevent their history from being taught, they also have to deal with racist lunatic assholes shooting up their campus. #ShitholeState
I’m in Panamá City Panamá right now. This place rocks. Anyway met this really cool black guy from Atlanta last night who’s been here five years. Has a Condo in the hotel where we’re staying at let’s just say he’s doing really well for himself. He got us in to high end restaurant club that would be a scene at any major US city and brought 3 Colombian smoke shows with him for us to talk to which I thought was very nice of him. We didn’t get in to politics but when he heard we were from Florida he said “yeah I’d never go there”. If you’re a black person of means why would you?
Being held under the Baker Act does not necessarily mean you are mentally incompetent, though in this case, I don't know what the outcome was. In 2010, less than 1% of the 140,000 Baker Act evaluations resulted in involuntary placement in a mental health facility. In FY 2021-22, there were 170,048 evaluations of 115,239 individuals. PolitiFact Florida: On the Baker Act and guns https://www.usf.edu/cbcs/baker-act/...voluntary examinations for 115,239individuals.
I have to say, unfortunately, I hear that “civil war” talk with unsettling frequency around my area of FL. And I’ve also been exposed more to faux news, newsmax, and one america news recently. The “civil war” talk is all over those broadcasts 24/7. Oddly, the common justifications almost always include a reference to defending christian ideals. These people have no shame.
being baker acted itself isn’t necessarily a disqualifier. It is a hold. If, subsequent to the baker act hold, the person is released and found competent, they are not necessarily a prohibited person, as that requires someone to be adjudicated mentally deficient.
Exactly this baker acts are emergency holds. After the 3 days a judge has to get involved if it the person wants to leave.
one thing I’ve said is open up NICS for private sales and create penalties if you sell a gun privately and could reasonably have known someone was a prohibited person, do not perform a background check, and the gun is used in a crime. could be pretty simple. Buyer wants to purchase a gun, goes on a website, enters their information (not the gun’s information), and receives a control number upon pass. Seller wants to sell, they have a website to check the control number and record that control number on a bill of sale. They get a copy and the buyer gets a copy. No back door registry and nobody is going to come looking for it unless a crime is committed.
Easiest one: make people account for their guns. Make it so that tranfering a gun without a background check violates an enforceable law by making people show the guns registered to them every year or so. If they can't, claiming theft, make them provide a police report that they were stolen (with a resulting investigation). If evidence develops showing they lied, charge them.
I don't think a crime based on an individual behavior (selling a gun to somebody who shouldn't have a gun) should be contingent on another person committing a subsequent crime. In fact, if anything, that will simply encourage more smuggling, as it would raise the risk of private domestic sales but do nothing to increase the risk of smuggling (which is quite low in relation to guns). The far better solution is to treat guns like cars, where we know who owns a gun (like we do cars) and a person should be able to periodically produce it (like we do with cars).