Remember, this is NOT evidence of racism or racist intent. The real victims here are not the shooting victims but those who feel injured by news reports like this Jacksonville sheriff: The shooter's manifesto contained a "disgusting ideology of hate" [...] "plainly put, this shooting was racially motivated, and he hated black people. He wanted to kill (N word, plural)-that's the one and only time I'll use that term." On this, of all days.
Appears to be the opening salvo of the white Nationalist/Trumpaloon led civil war that several of our posters have eagerly told us about. The killing himself bit doesn’t show great strategic planning.
Come on. There's enough reason in other threads to dump on Trump without trying to tie him to this tragedy.
The nexus of white nationists and Trump supporters is well documented and totally fair game. It’s also relevant to the much trumpeted civil war wishcasting of many if not most Trump suppporters. It was Trump who told us as white nationalists marched with torches chanting “Jews will not replace us”. That their were “fine people on both sides” they are who they tell us they are by word and deed.
White gunman killed three victims in Florida with assault rifle covered in Nazi swastikas | The Independent A white male gunman wearing tactical gear killed three people at a Florida Dollar General store in a “racially motivated” attack using an AR-15-style assault rifle and Glock handgun covered in Nazi swastikas say police. The shocking incident in Jacksonville on Saturday is now being investigated as a racially motivated hate crime by the FBI and local law enforcement. The gunman, who has not been identified, “hated Black people,” Jacksonville Sheriff TK Waters told a press conference. The suspect was described by Waters as a white male in his early 20s and the sheriff said that all three victims - two men and a woman - were Black.
Domestic terrorist upset someone was arrested this week and took it out on random black people. Sounds about right. Just another day in racist, gun-violent America.
DeLand had a shooting yesterday. A guy who had been causing trouble for a while and who liked to carry unlicensed unnumbered guns. The police located him. They approached his vehicle and when he reached for his homemade gun they put two bullets in him. The dead guy was black. One cop was a DeLand police officer. The other was a volusia county sheriffs deputy. Pretty sure this was a good shooting.
I agree that Trump's behavior has been disgusting on multiple levels. Including affirmation to those who hold racial/ethic grievances. But this shooter was apparently a guy who has serious mental issues for years and there's simply no telling who or what drove him to murder. You can blame who you want, of course. I just don't see the need or benefit of trying to drag Trump into it.