Lol... widespread facts? Yeah. we all know how the Dems present their facts... You know that the Dems will enslave you... and I mean everyone on Earth, don't you? That is a freaking fact, sister. Use your critical thinking brain and you will see what I see. I never said you lied to me... sweetie. I love you, and you know that.
are you sure this was Rick? Because you just described 99% of the posters on this board, and 99% of the politicians, and 99% of the people out on the streets who didn’t have the good fortune to go to University of Florida. to your credit, however, you have certainly demonstrated a phenomenal memory….so I would bet that you are right. politics lack integrity….so I too would lie to everyone in order to dump the Biden disaster. I’ll try now…. Vote for Biden and you can keep your Doctor. I don’t feel any different. Am I going to get smited?
Im not sure it indicates fear as much as staying on topic. That 200 mil people watched the video is the claim made literally in the title of the thread.
The fact that there’s a topic on it and responsive arguments shows the insecurity on both sides. What I find especially funny is the Democrats that keep Donald Trump in the news with these type of arguments. This is the reason he got elected in 2016. At first, the Democrats propped him up because they didn’t think he had any chance of winning. Once he became the 2016 nominee, they then constantly attacked him in the news, which just gave him more free advertising. the Dems are repeating the 2016 failed playbook. Trump is now a martyr.
And the Republicans may be repeating the 2020 failed playbook. What may very well end up being ironic is that while Trump is using his image in the mug shot to gin up support and raise money from his gullible supporters if he is the Republican nominee which seems very likely it wouldn't surprise me in the least if the Democrats use the exact same image in their general election ad campaign.
I guess my perspective is a bit different here. A leading candidate for president claimed they had an interview viewed 200 mil people. This claim is obviously fallacious, so I junk it makes sense for someone to say so. I would say this enhance is perfectly sensible: Trump’s interview has 200 mil views! That number is too high for X reason. Ah thats a good point. No big deal.
agree. No one I know. quite telling earlier in this thread a trump supporter said they hadn’t watched it yet, but would soon.
I haven't seen the interview although I may watch a minute or two out of curiosity adding to the count of the 200 million views.
The problem is, I believe Trump only repeated what the media said. Trump didn’t come up with that figure on his own. That’s a difference that matters in your analysis. It’s a difference that doesn’t matter in my analysis because either way, who gives a F.
we shall see. The problem the Dems have is that Biden now has a record, and it’s a helleva lot worse than Trumps. Now is prime time for a 3rd party candidate.
Even if Trump is only repeating what the media told him, I don’t think it changes anything. And I am not sure anyone gives much an F, which is why it’s a minor point on a small thread. We’ve probably now spent equal time discussing whether anyone should be discussing it.