The “organized retail theft” is really just another by product of the evolution of social media. These retail flash mobs are basically organized crime for dummies.
Indeed. What's often not discussed as much re: shrinkage is employee theft, which is rampant. But it's (too) easy for people to point to some high profile organized incidents because some are shocking, and companies like to use these cases to gin up sympathy. Yet, they're not likely driving shrinkage. Should also mention that the op article was also about other problems in stores--mainly incivility that is often criminal. Not necessarily about theft but the vague connections between these other crimes and organized larceny makes for some confusion. Don't have the 2022 larceny numbers yet, but it's kind of curious how we forget that reported larceny is down considerably since the 1990s. For the graph, I chose US, CA & FL since CA has been mentioned here and some seem to think that larceny is an exclusive CA problem. This is also a Florida board so to speak, so the comparison to FL one would hope would lead to reconsideration. Which is to say FL and CA have almost identical larceny rates (though both dropped FL's decline was much more over the past 35 years).
davisl is correct. The lack of commentary / opinion from an Original Poster on a thread's OP violates Too Hot policy. If caught earlier the thread would have been locked until @okeechobee returned to add his thoughts on the thread's topic. He can, and still should comply. Threads violating this policy have been deleted.
LOL. My parenthetical “not sarcasm” meant I wasn’t being sarcastic with my question what green means. Davis may have misunderstood my question as I didn’t get a response from him, I don’t think.