Ramaswamy is very careful about his wording if you listen closely. That's very much like a typical lawyer/politician. However, his presentation and style gives the impression that it's extemporaneous and he's just saying what's on his mind. It's actually not an easy skill set - as DeSantis so often demonstrates. (I've gotten push back before for saying Trump can do it too, and I still maintain that's the case). Another example: note when Ramaswamy was asked about humans causing global warming. His response (as I heard it) was to say that the climate change agenda is a hoax. He smoothly pivoted to the policy/remedy side of the equation. The articles I saw right after seemed to omit the key word - "agenda." If he wants, he can accuse them of lying about what he said. Alternatively, he can decline to clarify if the comment went over well with those who literally think humans can't impact the climate. I think he's very good at playing these sorts of games.
I’m liking Tim Scott even more post debate. Just caught an interview and highlights of his performance and I like it. He said 15 weeks for abortion. He is pro Israel and for degrading Russian military. He is pro school choice. Let’s see what happens.
Full disclosure I haven't followed him much because you are right he isn't a threat. But last night I thought he was the least wet noodle of the bunch. Him (and Christie to some extent) said what he believed vs what the room may want to hear. I would differ profoundly with him on a number of issues, but I at least respect him for sticking to his guns. Not selling his soul for a vote or blowing dog whistles like way to many pols
I watched a grand total of maybe 20 seconds as it was the first channel on HULU when I tuned my TV on last night. The only person I saw speak was Scott, and as a personality and presence I actually thought he was pretty good (in 20 seconds.) I have no clue what his actual policies are.
It is very simple. NATO sits down with Russia and say's Ukraine will never be a part of NATO. War over.
It’s the same trump smoke & mirrors imo. Ramaswamy thinks he’s being subtle, but, his extreme-right ideology is obvious. He’s a younger, more poised, better spoken maga aficionado. I found him to have displayed very little real substance. I never thought I’d have to consider that another human being might actually be as self-absorbed as trump: Enter Vivek Ramaswamy.
Perhaps he is trying to position himself in case Trump is convicted and can't run. He certainly has no chance if Trump stays in the race.
I would agree. We will see if she is consistent to that plan going forward. She has history of trying to walk the fence when it comes to Trump. Her criticism of Rs running up the deficit under Trump won't help her in the primary tho it would in a general election.
I get your point, esp as it would apply to pols like Giuliani and all his codefendants. But I think trump actually saved Pences career. Pence was going nowhere beyond Indiana.
He was the craziest one there...by a good measure. 9/11 whackjob. Tim Scott reminded me of a high school boy trying to convince his girlfriend to allow him to put it in "just a little bit" ....pleading, almost to tears.
I hadn't heard Scott speak before but found him to be uninspiring. Not to mention, he was rather loose with the facts..... disappointing. Will be interesting to see if he makes the cut for the next debate. I will give the ND gov credit for showing up to debate after blowing out his Achilles. Didn't want to miss his one time on national TV I guess. "Cowboy up" as he says.
I guess, but I think that was just to set a floor to reduce availability in blue states and create a starting point for further restrictions. No way in hell does Pence and a couple of others settle for that long term. I don't think Pence accepts abortions at any point.