3...2....1... until Trump rants about the poor ratings of the debate. LOL. I didnt watch it. I'll catch up on youtube this week. Sounds like Haley did about how Id expect. Christie is on an island denouncing Trump, and everyone else was exactly who they are. Cant wait to watch.
Just thought I'd let you guys know it was the top story in UK news this morning. Alongside the Russian/Prigozhin story. Very loud echo. The biggest catch was the Trump/Carlson interview with the latter asking about Civil War and Mr Trump doing his thing in reply. It's certainly spooking a lot of people. The perceived level of hatred - whether real or not - is being monitored.
Ha. Nicely done. I also want to make clear that I did not record the debate, but I do appreciate the factual updates on this thread. Though he seems ok in some respects, it sounds like Ramaswamy also has some irredeemable qualities. in others.
Is there any possibility of the UK with some allies invading America and saving us from ourselves? Once back in charge, the king could tax us all he wants.
100% agree. That was his low point in the debate. He had a few months to find a good and proper way to make that point and just bombed.
Its so funny how a rich dude who treats women like crap, donated large amounts of money to Dems and Hillary previously and spent much of his life supporting liberal principles (which I believe deep down he is still fine with and only changed later in life for his own political gain) is someone you consider the "real" republican and the others who are life long conservatives are somehow "in name only". Explain that Rick. Make it make sense. He is a huckster. A fraud. He would come out and identify as a transgendered green party iguana if it would get him enough votes and power. Reagan is flipping in his grave man. Seriously.
I would say the Arky governor was by far the most Republican guy up there if you measure by traditional GOP standards
WashPost Winners: Trump, Ramaswamy, Pence's Jan. 6 decision Losers: DeSantis, GOP's political pride, Pence and Scott, Fox News https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/08/23/who-won-republican-debate/
My question is are any of these people dumb enough to hitch their political career to Trump and be his running mate? Look what it did to Pence.
You stand out on this board as one of the better liberals. I appreciate your honesty and consistency.
People who place great importance on facial expressions actually vote. I had a friend who said she could never vote for Bush because he had this smirk she didn’t like.