Pence is done. He is the worst by far. All the others are blah. Haley is doing well, but not enough. Desantis is status quo.
Could not agree less. Nikki, at least, was one of the few that did not come across as bat shit crazy, but she didn't do well. DeSantis came across as bat shit crazy, dodged questions and did not control the bobble head thing well. While he was loud and aggressive, he did nothing to even try to appeal to independents, women and/or college educated voters. Most of the rest were just trying to out crazy each other.
For the record, my expectations for DeSantis were very low and more based upon his style as opposed to his policies. Christie did fine but he always does. No knock out punches delivered. Scott didn’t move the needle. One or two people have to come out on top. Who do you think performed well?
For republicans I think that Ramasamy did the best, but could have done better. Haley did well. Scott was above average. Pence will drop, and drop in out in the next 90 days. Arkansas and ND are both gone. Christy came off as arrogant as he always does. No one hit a home run imo. Desantis did not win or lose.
I felt like Nikki Haley offered the most substance, and practical consideration for policy initiatives. Held her ground, without being petty. Carried herself like a leader. I think she helped herself immensely.
I skipped it because nobody sane has a chance of winning, and I'd rather not be depressed tonight. Gonna be one unhinged authoritarian or another.
Ramaswamy is the most difficult for me to guess how his performance will be received in the party. Definitely feels the most similar to Trump and most supportive of Trump. Rich outsider with no public service track record, wanting to tear down the establishment. Very comfortable on camera, charismatic, got in his global warming hoax line (same word Trump once used), he has pledged to pardon Trump, etc. He strikes me as very slick but I am not the target audience so I don’t know.
I would not use slick because it’s derogatory, but I know what you mean. I would use confident, cocky and disruptive. He is smarter than Trump. He did say a few things tonight that made me cringe.
I felt like Ramaswamy declaring that he was the only one there not bought and paid for was an unforced error. Why insult Haley and Scott, for example? But the line was consistent with what worked for Trump whether Ramaswamy can pull it off or not. It’s almost like he’s studied Trump and is checking the same boxes. Seems to be working so far but he’s not acting like he really wants to beat Trump either.
Good movie. (One of the best scenes: A couple looks at a motionless figure standing in the wax museum. The woman says, "It looks like a real person." The figure looks at her and says, "You'd be surprised.") Vincent Price is priceless as usual.