I wouldn't mind DeSantis making a good showing. At least make the race interesting. It'll still be Trump, but DeSantis any other cycle would be a formidable candidate. I've never watched DeSantis debate. He may suck at debates, he may have improved. We'll see.
Clearly, I must have. Lol….and I’m still baffled at the context. Not a baseball fan, so maybe I’m missing the reference. So, to clarify, you are watching the debate tonight? I am genuinely interested in other’s perspectives on the pub candidates.
No. Im watching the Rays game (as I do most nights) and giving that info to Coco as an option. This debate could not interest me less.
I’ll at least catch the end and tune in for the highlights. Trumps absence is reason for tuning in IMO.
I think all the candidates have to sign a pledge before the debate not to criticize Trump, "at least not too much." Only Cristie is excused, since attacking Trump is his only reason to be there. Well, maybe they'll excuse Hurd too, based on what I've heard. (Besides him and Cristie, I think the rest are members of the herd.)
The article completely misses the point. In fact it ignores what he actually said, if I recall correctly. There's nothing ridiculous about suggesting some kind of government involvement in 9/11, or that there are unanswered questions, which there are. What he suggested was that there could have been police or federal agents who willingly flew to their deaths on the planes. Sheesh. At least the Muslim hijackers had virgins waiting for them in Paradise. What were those police or federal agents looking forward to after pulverization? But the article ignores such a stupid notion out of Ramaswamy's mouth, preferring instead to make fun, as usual, of the idea of some government complicity or of unanswered questions.
LMFAO! Too real... funny too. Another non-thread pretending to be a thread. Just another RANT/DIATRIBE.
Watching Christie pummel desi and the big lie may be entertaining. glad that there is at least one person there speaking the truth. I would likely vote for Christie over Biden but Biden over the rest of the field at the debate.
The last one I watched was the Trump Biden debate. Whether or not one thought that his performance was all the great Biden acted as if he were in a presidential debate while Trump performed as if he were the starring in one of his MAGA rallies.
Heck, I don’t necessarily mind him suggesting something completely ridiculous. What is laughable, though, is even 24 hours later, he didn’t have the balls to own it. This from the self-proclaimed “transparency and truth” candidate.
AGREED - As the GOP nominee that is. He actually seems interested in Governance and not who wears dresses and lipstick, does not want to re-write history. Believes in Medicine. Does not seem interested in overthrowing the Gov't to set up his own N Korean State. Not MAGA, believes in the American Election System. Yeah, I could vote for this guy.
I guess I'll just have to watch post-debate clips of DeSantis looking and sounding really awkward and saying 'woke' 50 times.
Come on, he enjoys good food, no fault in that. He may not be around until 90 but hey, thats his choice.