Supreme court struck down a new abortion law so they replaced the judges and voted again on a slightly modified law, this time to uphold the law with a 6 week limit that isn't practical by any measure. disgusted South Carolina's new all-male highest court reverses course on abortion, upholding strict 6-week ban ( South Carolina’s new all-male Supreme Court reversed course on abortion on Wednesday, upholding a ban on most such procedures after about six weeks of pregnancy. The 4-1 ruling departs from the court’s own decision earlier this year to strike down a similar law. The continued erosion of legal abortion access across the U.S. South comes after Republican state lawmakers replaced the lone female on the court, Justice Kaye Hearn. Writing for the new majority, Justice John Kittredge acknowledged that the 2023 law infringes on “a woman’s right of privacy and bodily autonomy,” but said the state legislature reasonably determined this time around that those interests don't outweigh “the interest of the unborn child to live.”
I think this stuff is awful but an upside is clearly most voters including some republicans don’t like these efforts and they help mobilize Democratic votes and paint Republicans as extreme.
it is only upside if the dems can capitalize on it. they haven't shown themselves to be proficient messengers lately in Florida or nationally. Hopefully the SC party is stronger
The Dems won't do anything. They are weak, and when they had the power to do something they pandered for votes to keep the voting block in there corner. If folks want this fixed, it's going to have to come outside the establishment.
Disagree. The Dems have doing well since Dobbs. SC just needs to put the issue before the voters.. The Dems can't flip state legislatures overnight, but they can certainly bring out the vote on reproductive rights issues.
Well, Florida unfortunately isn't much different. Despite our right to privacy being even more obvious in its protection of abortion, I think we both know what the DeSantis appointees are going to do soon. (I believe the oral argument is coming up soon.)
Dems did well in 2022 midterms. It was a bit of a watershed moment for maga. Dems did better than expected in house and amazingly held the senate. In large part because of maga candidates like Hershel. Maintaining Senate majority is a big deal as they approve Potus fed judges.
Have we had a meaningful election since row v wade? The small ones we have had went against the pubs I thought.
SC is a dump... signed NC resident. Tied with Alabama for 4th worst state to live in just ahead of Louisiana.. seems generous. These are America’s 10 worst states to live and work in (
The court was not "replaced" . Correct me if Im wrong but only one retired judge was replaced. (Through the legal state constitutional way of doing such) This is the same court save the one judge and it was a 4-1 majority. Correct?