“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.” ― Charles MacKay, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
From the part that you highlighted: Your family may suffer upper respiratory infections … Infections are caused by microorganisms!
Yes people ignorantly tried to signal they had some higher moral standard. Reality they were just fools.
I never said there aren’t microorganisms. We have trillions of them in us, on us and around us. Although “infection” is a misnomer…
Okay, let’s grant that people who follow Trump and people who obsess over him are examples of herd mentality. Now can we get back to masks ?
For the first time in history we’re beset by sizzling summer virus. Wear two masks if you can. Wear goggles if you got ‘em.
No offense but you really are a liar. I assume purposely, in jest, or am I not trading posts with Mr "Viruses arent real" Duggers? I dont believe you know someone arrested for not wearing a mask. Id believe you know someone who wouldnt leave an establishment as directed ... or you know someone arrested for being disorderly while protesting like an ass for not wearing a mask... but I seriously doubt you know anyone arrested for not wearing a mask.
Do you want me to introduce you to the friend that you’ve brassily claimed I don’t have ?* *Oh, just noted that your brassy has turned to doubt. Next, it’s going to be, “Oh yeah ? Well then show me another!”
I surmise that masks signal obeisance or “I care more than you” or simply fear. The last is at least understandable. You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. But if only the edict from high conveyed “If concerned, wear a mask” then that would have marked who was frightened of others so as to create a buffer zone.
I think you got it backwards. I and every democrat I know are concerned that it's today's republicans who are the "commies" who don't love America. They love Trump the wannabe dictator more than they do our country. But I don't expect you and your comrades to understand that.