So if they would have just complied with the officer's instructions they wouldn't have had an issue. Hmmm.... where have I heard that argument before?
I couldn't because I wouldn't wear one, b Georgetown was wrong but there are about 100 schools doing this. Harvard and Pitt are maybe the only other big schools.
Is "diligent" really the right word for something that is a complete waste of time and restricts breathing?
I don’t think an evil cabal is behind the Time of Great Hysteria. I do believe that panic spun out of control and masks were tendered as “something we can do” for a frightened populace clamoring for something we could do. Nothing like 2020ff confirms that human beings are herd animals.
But as it turns out, masks were purely prelude …
Your source for all this is a rando google sheets? I just checked (again, takes 2 seconds to find any particular campus policy), neither Pitt nor Harvard have mask requirements. Both do still require covid vaccine with their proof of immunizations.
Just want to go on record that I will be getting the new Covid shot and the new flu shot when they are available. Preferably at the same time.
I have a friend who would probably be happy to share video and relevant documents. Let me know and I’ll hook you up.
Big pharma appreciates you. That said be aware that getting the shot in the same arm will likely cause more unnecessary inflammation in your body verse switching arms… Which arm gets the Covid-19 booster may make a difference, study shows | CNN
I'll bet Q has a plethora of hot takes on this thread, like new integral research-backed material that nobody has heard from him before. Too bad I'll never see it.
Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more vir·tue /ˈvərCHo͞o/ noun 1. behavior showing high moral standards. "paragons of virtue"