You're right. I'm not doing all that well tonight. And I'm not going to discuss who has made what reports to the Moderator's forum, so you can breathe a sigh of relief.
Sorry you're not feeling well, but if you're insinuating that I complain to the mods a lot then you're wrong again. I very rarely pm you guys. And if I do report something it's usually from the same post that a mod deleted or edited from one of mine.
Perhaps so, but I would say that this is true of an alarming number of threads on this forum from both sides.
As a moderator this is so inappropriate for you to post this about a member, even if it is true. You are trying to “out” someone with information which only moderators have access to because you disagree with the poster’s politics. This is so out of line on a message board which invites people to post political topics.
No, I think she's referring to his online complaints, and, by the way, it has nothing to do with politics. Some posters are just angry all the time and mean-spirited. Most MAGA folks are, which is what makes them so dangerous. The whole world saw the worst of us on disgusting display on January 6.
Libbies are easily the most insufferable, miserly Karens on the board. It ain’t even close. Stop blocking everyone so you can enjoy the contrast.
The online complaints as I understand it from the conversation is the “report post” function. That is supposed to private, only for the moderators eyes. Maybe I’m wrong. That should never be shared if that is the case. Just my opinion.
This has to be what she's talking about and your correct it's supposed to be private. The only time I even use that is when a mod deletes my comment or makes an edit, I'll usually go back to the same post and point out similar comments that haven't been deleted or edited for the same thing. I wasn't shocked by this, it's happened before and yes, it's wrong. The rule here is if you have a complaint with or about a mod you have to it privately which I have. I really don't know what she's trying to insinuate. For this very reason I usually try to avoid and ignore her
She is a fine and balanced moderator. I've never had the pleasure of meeting her, but we grew up, years apart, in the same town, and we've had a number of private discussions. She's a remarkable human being. I can see why she rankles a person such as you seem to be.
Yes, I find her condescending and annoying at times. I'm glad you two get along and have private discussions, I do the same with some other posters on here as well.
Sorry Trickster, but I don’t think any piece that contains “Aryan Karens,” “lunatic fringe,” and “Reichsparteitag” can be called brilliant. The final paragraphs are ridiculous, even for hyperbole: Apparently, plenty of Florida parents are all right with their kids emerging from school utterly ill-equipped to function in the job market or higher education. Not just ill-equipped but utterly ill-equipped. I do not agree with all the actions of DeSantis, but I don’t see how they are affecting someone’s ability to function in the marketplace. It’s good to correctly understand history, but is that required to work in most fields, whether professional or skilled craft? Who wants to hire a science denier in a society increasingly dependent on technology? Has DeSantis hired science deniers for schools? Who wants to admit into college a student who’s never studied a play by Tennessee Williams because gay writers were too risky to teach? So a requirement to enter college is to have studied gay writers? If you haven’t studied Tennessee Williams, then don’t bother going to college? Who will take seriously a law school applicant who’s never read “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass,” I wonder how many of the lawyers on GC had read that book before going to law school? How many people at all have read that book? Even if you oppose everything DeSantis does, this editorial is just mindless tripe.