I don't know. Its got to be one of the most unintelligent OP's of late. PS: I decided not to block him after all. He's just too much fun to ignore.
You know, it's fine when someone disagrees with you, but.when 90% of the time - okay, 80% - they don't say why, its pretty revealing. But I guess they are unable.to articulate an intelligent response, in which case disagree or come on man is the most they can muster.
The world is literally on fire as we type and here you guys are making Ron Burgundy jokes. I’m actually trying to make a difference. I just opened up all the windows on the bottom floor. That by itself should cool my neighborhood down by 1 or 2 degrees. Now imagine if everyone else had my dedication and did the same.
The usual responses from the usual people displaying their usual ignorance...and might I say they tend to be...hmmmm....ignorant...pathetic...
Damn you mean I'm the only conservative getting complaints against them? OK just kidding, only one of the 2 was against me.
I would think calling the OP unintelligent would be delete worthy considering the stated standard. The only reason I responded to Trickster's post was because it was Trickster who called on the mods to edit/delete one of my posts last night.