OMG it’s hot!! Hotter than Too Hot!! We let so much carbon into the air, there’s a damn hurricane hitting California! Between that and people still not wearing their masks (helllluuuuuu???) I can’t stand it!!!
The thread title is funny. “Globular warming”. Globular growths of algae blooms in Lake Okeechobee comes to mind.
The high in Chicago this Thursday is expected to be 103. A lot of people will die. Thought I’d drop that in the thread for your amusement.
Unfortunately, this thread probably represents, What we will call "the intelligent conservative ". It's just downhill from here.
This appears to be nothing but insulting River. Of course, no moderation on attacks of the right from you
It's a compliment. He's calling you guys intelligent conservatives. You're the cream of the conservative crop!