The one that was accused of rape by several woman... Clinton. Of course some clown gives me a c'mon man on A FREAKING FACT.
Damn right... letting the Chinese buy up all our land... and Joe is actually suing states that are stopping the Chinese from buying our land, land near our military Bases/Posts. That is as un-American as you can get... should be a felony.
Define a serious crime? The one you're insinuating in your personal rant... disguised as a real thread.
I will agree that the Democrats involved in the prosecution of Trump should be prosecuted for interfering with the 2024 election.
LOL... Trump worshippers don't want to commit to having an opinion on this simple question... they can sense the future "gotcha" moment coming ...
Actually what I said was that the files were real. I thought that the laptop was a plant because it didn't seem rational that Hunter would bring a laptop to a shop in Wilmington, Delaware for data recovery when he had been living in Los Angeles for several months. I'm willing to concede that the laptop was indeed authentic. That being said the only things that the laptop proved was that for some reason Hunter Biden had a propensity for saving photos of himself strung out on coke and that he tried to convince gullible foreign clients that he could influence his father and probably received significant compensation in the process. While demonstrating that Hunter Biden was a sleazy grifter the emails on the laptop never established that Joe Biden actually received compensation from Hunter's Chinese buddies and once again I would add that the most apparently damaging email message, the one in which Joe Biden was supposedly "the big guy" was sent in 2018, when Trump was the president and Republicans controlled both Houses of Congress. Giving Hunter credit for a pulling quite the grift apparently the Chinese businessman was unaware that a former American vice president had no ability to influence policy when his party no longer held the presidency and was in the minority in Congress.
Except not it looks like Hunter's email address was included with several emails. This family is corrupt to the core.
Good post. I agree with most, but not the conclusion you draw from the 2018 email. That was not a one and done, and the evidence of all the meetings while VP are just now surfacing. I will be surprised if there is no smoking gun found by the end of the year. I think Joe knows it, and I think he is going to withdraw so the Dems can have a chance of winning.
I think you're confusing the Bidens with the family of the former president. Kushner Firm Got Hundreds of Millions From 2 Persian Gulf Nations China grants 18 trademarks in 2 months to Trump, daughter Trump's company charging unprecedented — and hidden — fees to house Secret Service
No confusion on my part. At least Trump was actually selling something tangible, not our country and access like the Biden Crime family.
While conceding that Hunter and maybe even some other members of the family were selling the illusion that they could influence policy so far there has been absolutely no tangible evidence that Joe Biden ever sold influence or received a benefit from Hunter's grifting of his buds from China and Ukraine and once again I can assure you that I will never cast a vote for Hunter Biden. And by the way I guess because the government actually received something tangible in return it was Ok for Trump to use his position to rent accommodations at his properties at exorbitant rates or for his son-in-law to use his position as his father-in-law's advisor to receive millions of dollars for the benefit his family's real estate firm.
To be clear, just because you have yet to see any evidence, you are not suggesting there is no evidence, correct? If so, then I would like to take this rare opportunity to say I agree with you. BTW, there is evidence floating around, but it is not admissable. (emails discussing money for the big guy, testimony that money was sent to Joe afeter being washed through multiple accounts, etc)