Trump this week: "I was the apple of Putin's eye." Rommy Swammy this week: "Our goal shouldn't be for Putin to lose" in Ukraine. DuhSantis: Ukraine is a territorial dispute. To quote any garden variety republican: If you love it so much, why don't you move there?
Fact-Checked: Who Cares ? Republicans and Democrats alike beholden to the Military-Industrial Complex … House Republicans Are Incorrigible Warmongers - LewRockwell
The other thread on DeSantis and heritage foundation is very telling. These guys are all manufactured spokesmen for a think tank. They are gaming out America in an isolationist posture. We went from Woodrow Wilson to George W. Bush and now there is apparently buyers remorse for being the leaders of democracy. Odd.
More indirect blowback from W’s folly in Iraq methinks, that gave so much energy to the populism on the right, at least when it comes to national security issues (the hollowing out of the middle class has made the GOP far more isolationist and liberal on economics as well). I wonder how many of the assholes going all Isolationist against Russian aggressions with zero U.S. boots on the frontlines, were in the mid 2000’s enjoying their “freedom toast” and attacking anyone not on board with Bush’s folly? Maybe some younger conservatives that have only known the post W isolationist view (the populism that resulted, almost like anti-war liberals… fair enough… that’s all they’ve known), but for all the older conservatives and politicians “wrong” on both issues - full throated support of Iraq invasion vs. cowtowing to Russia in Ukraine… well… they can pretty well eff off.
it’s odd the admiration and fealty Trump has for putin. To the point of even besmirching the US in front of the world.
Wendell Wilkie alternative universe during Pearl Harbor… we would have taken it like little biatches?
I think this model is a bit too simplistic. If there is a shadow entity out there that actually controls politicians, they would be often shooting themselves in the foot by asking politicians to say things that people don’t actually want to hear. The first goal of a politician (usually) is to get and stay elected. To that end, they need to craft an image and a message that resonates with potential voters. In this way, the party-wide ideologies that we experience evolve more complex circular path where the people both influence and are influenced by the words of their leaders. Now the actions of politicians are sometimes more geared toward appeasing their funding agencies, but I’d imagine this is more likely to occur when these actions can be hidden from the public.
Even these two know that FDR used Pearl Harbor as a “back door to fight Germany” by maneuvering Japan into taking the first shot …
Some people don’t know the difference between a fascist and a member of the MAGA cult. HINT: There isn’t one.
Unless Putin has something on him (and it's my understanding that the golden showers thing was a hoax), I think it's simply the fact that Trump idolizes dictators (he has stated his "love" for Kim Jong Un) and wants to be one himself. If elected again, he'll achieve his desire, a dictatorship being just fine with his base. I imagine we'll then wind up as allies of Russia and China (a Big Three) and will pull out of NATO which Trump despises anyway.
Most Democrats - and not a few Republicans - share fealty to hatred for Putin and harbor suspicion towards those who don’t. It’s the New McCarthyism.