Since we have a lot of posters who are part of the 10-15% still living in fear and unable to understand reality when it comes to Covid. There is a study out that is very important for you in the coming months as your shot comes to market... Which arm gets the Covid-19 booster may make a difference, study shows ( "Two weeks after the booster, the number of “killer T cells” was significantly higher in those who had both shots in the same arm, according to the study." In order to make sure you body really gets maximum inflammation...make sure you are taking the shot in the same arm every time!!!
What happens if we take a double dose of the booster? Both arms get jabbed, each time? What happens then?
Yep, gotta love genetic mutation in viruses and all other living organisms. Engineered obsolescence by the Creator of the Universe.
This is a day late repost. See post #43284 to read about this without the ridiculous editorializing.: Coronavirus in the United States - news and thoughts
I remember the giddiness of vaccine rollout with internet exchanges like … A: “Got my Pfizer yesterday and I felt lousy.” B: “No worries, that’s your immune system kicking in. You’ll be Superman soon!” Translation: A was reeling from the trauma that was the injection. Presumably he recovered, from the vaccine, whereas many did not.
Imagine a viral media marketing campaign so effective, it made billions of people want to inject the product into themselves.
We never did end up getting booster shots, but unfortunately my son and I are currently getting our second natural boost of COVID. I am not sure if the COVID entered through the same nostril each time though.
After originally upbraiding Americans for wearing masks, he upbraided Americans for not wearing masks. Then he said wear goggles if you got ‘em as you can get it through your eyes, THROUGH YOUR EYES.
‘Eris’ is coming and Democrats are 8.5 times more likely to believe it’s gonna be bad! Is this the REAL reason “Eris” cases are spiking?
Hey buddy. Got my 3rd this past week I assume from contact from patients in nursing homes although we have been running Into it everywhere really. As someone who contracted the actual flu maybe twice in my life getting covid once a year lately is frustrating although the symptoms are short lived. Get some rest. Almost worse than the symptoms is having to listen to every conspiracy theorist and politically charged know it all tell me about miracle cures and scams. I swear the fringe has become the majority.
Studies show that grown-ass male football-loving liberals on THFSG are 8.5 times more likely to believe they can kill granny by breathing on her than their conservative counterparts.
Thanks man. I think I am up to 2-3 flus and 2 COVIDs. So far this COVID isn’t as bad as the one I got last summer, but it’s still early. And I also want to question whether all the people who said early on “COVID is no worse than the flu” actually ever had the flu. When I had the flu, I thought I was going to all out die.
I posted this as a PSA for those who are still falling for the propaganda with Covid. It popped up on my Home Screen when I opened explorer. And being that we have an abnormal amount of people here who continue to fall for what the idiots in public health and big pharma recommend. I figured it would be good to know that CNN has a brand new report on a study that shows how you can maximize inflammation in your body. Or how you can reduce it potentially if you are still falling for the propaganda that you need a covid shot.