Or how a bear in gay culture looks an awful lot like many bearded republican men these days. Or hipsters .
Honest question. Does the left wing have any little rhymes or chants that became mainstream such as Go woke, go broke Lock Her Up Stop the Steal Send them home? Maybe they do, I'm not really hip to what's happening at Dem conventions and such.
I heard “Dark Brandon, he’s so fine, he’s so fine he blows my mind, Dark Brandon!” at a Washington Wizards game last year.
I shan’t soon forget what I saw back in the early days of the internet and shared computers when I googled for images of “black bear” OMG delete, delete, delete.
Not broke, per se, but school budgets are finite. In Virginia, budgets are set by the state. I don't know who determines California school budgets. Either way, IMO, it's a ridiculous, low-yield use of monies.
I always find it ironic that younger blue collar Republican men have adopted the look of the Taliban. Maybe it isn’t ironic.
that's valid. If not upset, it's still pretty silly to be concerned about it enough to post or at least think you've got a silly gotcha. A high school in California is changing the name of its mascot! And it's spending money to do it! The county has more than 1 million people. It comes to about 17 cents a person. Pretty lots of budgets could be tightened between here and California.
School budgets are not usually drawn from countywide taxes. Typically (in my experience) your home is taxed based upon your individual school district. It varies based upon your district/address. Local taxes however only make up a portion of the school revenue. I don’t know if that is the way California administers its taxes. But that argument is specious. Municipal Budgets are created on the basis of how much per household per item. That is the mother of all slippery slopes. Schools have a finite budget. Spending $250k for social Justice would buy a lot of books, meals and supplies for kids. Or provide 50 teachers with a $5,000 raise.
your issue is one of vocabulary. You are confused by the difference between the words concerned and disgusted. Hope that helps.
While it's sad to continually observe you lowering yourself to insults, I agree with the part here about education spending. What do you suppose the cost involves? I imagine it's mostly about rebranding the facilities and sports equipqment. The sports teams oughta have a friggin' bake sale. The school should also have a fundraising campaign. Perhaps these initiatives will indeed be pursued.
"Shithole state" - this always cracks me up. I've been to CA only three times and have no family there, so I have no dog in the fight. There are reasons that CA is the most populated state in the U.S. and they extend beyond square mileage. Beaches, great weather, national parks, mountains, and great politics. Yep, looks like a shithole to me . . .
Now let's see the pics of Bama, Mississippi, & the finest spots in FL. Everyone can find a pic to support their narrative, but your narrative was absolute. Claiming that CA is a "shithole state" is nothing more than a politicized fantasy.