It's not even necessarily stupid. Signs and facilities get dated and need replacement all the time. Why not take the opportunity to rebrand when updating if that's what you want to do? If it's all brand new stuff they're paying a bunch of money to replace, yeah, it's pretty wasteful. But something tells me "old and worn out" is the better description for a lot of the stuff being switched out.
You continue to fail. The school board is local. The students are local. Local people deciding their own fate. They decided to change. Are you a big government top down person?
I suspect there was some “PC/woke” motivations in doing this so yeah it’s wasteful and stupid, but otherwise generally immaterial.
This is an unconscionable waste of resources. The school board is derelict in their duty to the students.
Not a big deal to me either way, but I wonder how many public high schools around the country have an exclusively female mascot?
hey let’s make up stuff and ignore the actually article on the subject. That way we can make up excuses too.
Did this new bear mascot announce its preferred pronouns? Possibly non-binary so they can save money by only getting one bear.
This change is entirely victimless. So why are right wingers tweaked you ask? Any amount of accommodation that doesn’t go to a white man is a crime to them. What snowflakes. Melting online for all to see.
Fail ... even your own article you just linked says she called herself a "Minutewomen”, not a "Minuteman". Nice try at scolding other about not knowing history when you yourself are obviously severely lacking...
Interesting. It says that she and the others dubbed themselves the “Minutewomen," but perhaps the name "Minutemen" was intended to be gender neutral and include both the men and the women.
Not to mention this ... "Prudence, who had been elected as the militia’s captain, and about 30-40 other townswomen dressed as men, shouldered muskets, wielded pitchforks, and marched to Jewett’s Bridge." DeSantis would have a meltdown, and rightfully so. No school should be allowed to honor these transgender, cross-dress, woke mafia, biological women.